Fun times!
It was so nice to see so many families at the Open House this week! It's a great reminder of how fortunate we are and the value we all place on education. As we move into next week, the PTA was able to meet and exceed their goal of $20,000. As a building, we had over 72% participation and on average raised approximately $102/student! All of this means we have to plan for a pajama day, I have to prepare myself to be duct taped, and Mrs. DiFonso has to find a chicken suit! We'll plan to do all three on Tuesday (10/3) and limit the zaniness to one day. "Third grade had an amazing trip this week visiting the Plimoth Patuxet Museum! They were able to step back in time into a 17th-century English Village and Patuxet homesite. Students saw the things they are learning about in their Massachusetts history books come off the page and into real life. If you see them, be sure to ask them about their favorite parts of the trip." - Mrs. Kristoff As we approach cold and f...