Fun times!

It was so nice to see so many families at the Open House this week! It's a great reminder of how fortunate we are and the value we all place on education. As we move into next week, the PTA was able to meet and exceed their goal of $20,000. As a building, we had over 72% participation and on average raised approximately $102/student! All of this means we have to plan for a pajama day, I have to prepare myself to be duct taped, and Mrs. DiFonso has to find a chicken suit! We'll plan to do all three on Tuesday (10/3) and limit the zaniness to one day. 

"Third grade had an amazing trip this week visiting the Plimoth Patuxet Museum!  They were able to step back in time into a 17th-century English Village and Patuxet homesite.  Students saw the things they are learning about in their Massachusetts history books come off the page and into real life.  If you see them, be sure to ask them about their favorite parts of the trip."
- Mrs. Kristoff

As we approach cold and flu season it seems like a good time to remind people...we need subs! If you have some free time during your weeks or would like to learn more about subbing, please reach out. 

The PTA has opened up a new round of Spirit Wear! Check out the updated logo. We love showing our school spirit around here and will plan on some more TPS days in the near future! 

A Note from the PTA:

"We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families who stopped by our PTA table during Curriculum Night. We truly appreciate your interest and engagement. 

Our Parent-Teacher Association plays a crucial role in supporting our school community, and we would love for you to become a part of it. By joining the PTA, you can actively participate in shaping all TPS students’ educational experiences and help us create a positive and enriching environment for all.
Signing up is easy! Just visit our website then log in and select “Become a Member Today”. Your support goes a long way in making TPS an even better place for our students and staff to thrive. You can also join our Facebook Group "TPS Princeton PTA".
Thank you for considering joining the PTA, and once again, thank you for visiting our table at Curriculum Night. We look forward to working together for the benefit of our amazing school community.
Our first Open Meeting of the school year will take place next Thursday, October 5th at 6:00PM in the TPS Library. Everybody is welcome whether or not you are a member. We hope to see you there!"

A School Dismissal Manager reminder: please remember to update any changes/exceptions as they occur. If you have a recurring exception i.e. Cross Country or Lego League etc., please be sure to update this if programs are cancelled. Additionally, with the exception of emergency situations, we kindly ask you not to make phone calls requesting changes after 1:00.  We really want to make sure we get everyone home the appropriate way, and with the DPW continuing to work on roads this adds a layer of complexity to the task. We appreciate your support. 

The district has asked me to share the following letter regarding our Early Literacy Screener with parents of students in K-3. It reviews information about our STAR Early Literacy Screener and steps for students who may have struggled with it. 

Electronic Folder

New: Calling Crafters, October Day Schedule, Touch a Truck,

  • The Week Ahead: 

    • Monday (10/2) Day C
      • Custodian Appreciation Day
    • Tuesday (10/3) Day D
      • Pajama Day
    • Wednesday (10/4) Day A
      • Walk to School Day
      • Cross Country Meet at Paxton
    • Thursday (10/5) Day B
      • PTA meeting in the library 6:00
    • Friday (10/6) Day C


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