3 days in the books

It was a wonderful week back at TPS! I'm not sure what these kids ate over the summer, but they came back taller and with bigger smiles on their faces. It was fun to hear about everyone's summer vacations and the kids seemed genuinely happy to be back, even if the morning seemed to come earlier than they would have liked. We jumped right into routines and by today, the building was humming right along like we never left. Just a quick reminder that if you drop off after 8:25, you need to bring your students into the building and sign them in. 

When I was talking with the incoming Kindergarten parents on Wednesday, I realized there was something I forgot to talk about in my lengthy back-to-school communication (can you imagine if it was longer!). We value communication here at TPS and I try to model that by sharing out information every Friday. However, this only works if we have two-way communication. We need to hear from you if you have questions and/or concerns. We want to be partners in this endeavor to educate our children. It helps no one to ask questions into the void of social media. You will find myself and our staff always willing to engage in conversation. Please reach out. We're in this together! 

The PTA Boosterthon is in full swing! If you haven't registered yet, you can do so here. It's easy to do and share with family and friends. The goal is $15,000 for playground beautification and outdoor upgrades. Rumor has it, that reaching this goal will result in yet another embarrassing event for the principal! Something with duct tape. You can register here. Anyone who registers by midnight on Monday (9/4) is entered to win a pair of Ulitmate Obstacles passes. If you've already registered you're already registered with double the entries for being an early bird! 

We were fortunate to add to our staff this week and hired Henry Alter in the eleventh hour! Henry comes from us after working in the language-based program in Paxton. He attended Fitchburg State and we feel lucky that he will bring this knowledge and experience to our students in K-2 as our new Special Educator. I owe the Paxton principal big time! 

Note from the nurse: 

With the start of the new school year rapidly approaching, here are some reminders from the Health Office:

  • All medication orders must be renewed each school year. New medication orders and medication should be brought in the day before or on the first day of school. Students are not allowed to transport medications to school with the exception of EpiPens or rescue inhalers that a student carries in their backpack. I must be notified of any self-carry medications. Medication order forms can be downloaded off the school website using the Health Services tab.

  • All medications administered at school must have a physician's order and parent permission. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications. Please see the medication policy on the school website if you have any questions.        

  • All students must be fully immunized by the first day of school. The only exceptions are written documentation from a doctor for medical exemptions or a written document stating that due to religious beliefs your child has not been vaccinated. The exemption forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. 

  • Students entering the 4th grade and 7th grade must have an updated physical and immunization record on file in the health office.  Please send these updated documents in as soon as they become available to you.

  • If you have an incoming kindergartener or have a child transferring to TPS with any health issue that may affect them during the school day please reach out to me at karina_abbascia@wrsd.net 

  • Please review the district guidelines on when your child should remain home due to illness. 

I hope your child has a happy and healthy school year!

The electronic folder

The week ahead:

  • Monday (9/4) 
    • No School - Labor Day
  • Tuesday (9/5) 
    • Day D
    • School Picture Day
  • Wednesday (9/6) 
    • Day A
  • Thursday (9/7) 
    • Day B
  • Friday (9/8) 
    • Day C
    • 8th Grade class picture


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