Fun! And Running!

Bus riders! The DPW has been working overtime to get the roads back to where we need them to be. Starting on Monday most families can return to their typical bus stop. We will reach out specifically to those who need a new community stop. Thank you all for your patience on this!

Despite the rain, there were so many cool things going on in the building this week I just have to share. In the 4th grade, students enjoyed a lesson about the migration patterns of monarch butterflies with special guest Jessie Trowbridge. Students learned about their migratory journey to Mexico and read the story "Ghost Wings." Afterward, they tagged a monarch and sent it on its journey outside. Did you know TPS had a monarch waystation garden for butterflies to stop at on their journey south?  

The 6th grade started off the week with a challenge. Students were challenged to travel across "molten lava" (i.e. the outdoor basketball court) across "igneous rocks" (i.e. small dots). They had to work together, plan, and communicate clearly to get their whole group across the lava. This is one of my personal favorite activities. I love it because the group isn't successful if they leave anyone behind. Also, it takes communication and synchronized movement to be successful. The kids did a great job! They initially struggled but persevered and both groups found a way. 

This week, I joined the kindergarten outside in the Bangrazi Courtyard as they completed a volcano experiment. It is such a cool space but so difficult to maintain. It is predominantly maintained through the generous work of volunteers twice each year. Once again we will be opening our school on a Saturday for just this purpose. On Saturday, October 12th we will host our Fall Cleanup! We'll be open from 8:00-2:00. Anyone is welcome to come for the day or even just an hour. You can sign up here. If you have any questions, Elaine Santello is leading the work and can be reached at You can learn more about our outdoor spaces on our website

This week, the PTA also kicked off their Boosterthon fundraiser! You may have seen some young people dancing outside at drop-off and pick-up or hearing stories of their adventures. We are already off to a great start! If you haven't registered already, simply doing so gets our kids closer to a pajama day. And already, in the first 24 hours since the kickoff, the kids are a third of their way to getting to duct tape me to a wall. I'm starting to wonder if they really like me at all! This will all culminate in our Fun Run and Color Run next Friday afternoon. Keep up the great work! 

A quick reminder about bus changes. If you want your student to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop, along with noting this in School Dismissal Manager, the student needs a physical note to hand the driver. The drivers do not get the SDM reports and often times we do not want to rely on the students for this information. My concern is that eventually, the bus company will not let kids make these adjustments without a note and we'll have a bunch of kids getting off at "unexpected" locations or returning to the school. 

The town rec has asked me to share this survey around Trick or Treating this year: Attention Princeton Redisdents! When do you think our town should Trick or Treat?! Please fill out this survey to let us know! 

Electronic Folder 

The week ahead: 

  • Monday (9/18) 
    • Day A
    • School Council Meeting
  • Tuesday (9/19) 
    • Day B
  • Wednesday (9/20)
    • Day C
    • TPS Track Meet
  • Thursday (9/21)
    • Day D 
  • Friday (9/22)
    • Day A
    • Fun Run and Color Run

And further ahead: 

  • Thursday (9/28) 
    • Curriculum Night/Open House
      • K/3 - 5:00-6:00
      • 1st/2nd/6th - 5:30-6:30
      • 4th/5th - 6:00-7:00
      • 7th/8th - 6:30-7:30
      • Specials/Special Education 5:45-6:45


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