MLK Weekend

Our 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Dolat, has organized a building wide reading challenge this year. Our reading challenge is a great opportunity to expand horizons and broaden our knowledge. It allows students to delve into new worlds and explore different perspectives through the written word. Whether already an avid reader or an emerging one, this challenge is open to everyone. Participation can help improve reading skills, increase vocabulary, and stimulate minds. It can also be a fun and social activity, as they can discuss the books read with others as well. The reading challenge is a great way to enrich their lives through literature. You can learn more about the challenge and see staff recommendations here

The state has recently released additional supports for student mental health. A Behavioral Health Help Line that people can call or text is 833-773-2445. This resource is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in more than 200 languages. The helpline can help individuals and families navigate the behavioral health system and access treatment. More information can be found in this FAQ. Questions can be directed to the helpline director at 

Having so many after school activities return to the building has been a wonderful thing! It is great to hear kids engaged and excited after 3:00. This does come with a new set of challenges though. Dismissal and dismissal changes have become more hectic. To help solve this problem, we will be instituting a new system. Keep an eye on your emails next week for something from School Dismissal Manager. This online program will eliminate the need for phone calls, paper notes that don't always make it out of the backpacks, or emails that can go unnoticed by teachers with a class full of students in front of them. The added bonus of the program is it should save parents a few steps in calling your child out. More information to follow.  

The new middle school basketball team had its first game in years, and the atmosphere was electric. Many of their friends and family came out to support them, filling the stands with cheering and excitement. The team, who had been working hard to get to this point, were thrilled to see such a supportive crowd. Their fans were loud and passionate, cheering the team on through every play and helping to create a fun and exciting environment. 

Keep an eye out for the upcoming PT newsletter to read about the tremendous work they have been doing in support of our school and our students. 

The Electronic Folder

New: Sterling Girls Softball Registration

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (1/16) 
    • No School - Martin Luther King Day
  • Tuesday (1/17) 
    • Boys Basketball at Chocksett
    • PTA Meeting at 6:00


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