Happy New Year!

I hope you all had an enjoyable break. The students sure seemed to. I'm happy to report they seemed to return mostly happy and mostly healthy! I'm happy to say that our absent list has dropped by a third in the new year which definitely starts us out on a happier and healthier new year! 

In the new year, we brought back one old tradition. The return of bus buddies! One of the joys of being

in a K-8 school is that our older students are able to interact with and support our younger ones. Bus buddies are a great example of this. We have several 8th grade volunteers who walk down to Kindergarten and 1st grade at the end of the day and help to make sure these young students make their way onto the bus. It's fun to watch the little ones follow eagerly behind our tallest students in admiration. It is a fun way to keep the community spirit up and it's great to see our 8th graders giving back. 

Another opportunity afforded us this new year was the ability to join in our neighbor's celebration. Rutland is celebrating its 300th anniversary. As a part of the celebration, they were able to procure a Smithsonian Museum on Main Street. This unique look back at how rural communities have shaped our nation. We'd like to thank the Rutland Tricentennial Committee for paying for transportation so that our 3rd graders could attend. If you have the opportunity, the exhibit extends until January 23rd, and I'd encourage everyone to check it out. 

A note from our district nurses: 

The Wachusett communities are currently seeing viral illnesses in the school community, including flu, COVID, and RSV. In order to keep our school community as healthy as possible, we would like to remind you of the following: 

  • Keep your child home from school if they have a fever >100, and/or if they are experiencing multiple symptoms (cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, unusual fatigue, etc); they should remain at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medications that reduce fever and their symptoms are improved
  • Report diagnosed FLU, COVID or RSV to the school nurse (this helps in tracking illness rates across the district); keep your child home as directed by your healthcare provider. 
  • Remind your child to wash their hands frequently
  • Vaccinate children who are eligible for FLU and COVID vaccines
  • Avoid social gatherings if you or your child are ill
  • Contact your healthcare provider if you believe your child needs medical care
  • Masks remain optional at school; if you would like your child to wear a mask, please send them to school with a mask and a small supply of replacement masks
  • If you would like at-home COVID tests please contact the School's Health Office
The WRSD Health Team

The Look Ahead: 

It promises to be a quiet week where everyone gets back in the rhythm. 


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