Snowy Friday

As we focus on our dismissal process incorporating School Dismissal Manager, it seems like a good time to remind folks about a few procedures that have been getting loose. In the morning and in the afternoon, please don't pull up to the front doors until staff come out and wave you on. We need to leave this space available in the event emergency personnel need to get it. There is a fire lane there. Also, if you are bringing your students in after 8:25, please walk them in and sign them in. This includes times when you may have dismissed them for an appointment and are returning them. Thanks for helping us keep our systems running like clockwork!

A note from Mrs. DiFonso: The new TPS Lego League is up and running!  I am so excited about the response and interest in the program!  Our coach and instructor, Jennifer Stander, has settled in nicely and has made the TPS STEAM Lab her new home!  I've had the opportunity to poke my head into a few of the sessions and the ingenuity is bursting at the seams!  In week one the students learned what energy was and how it is used in the home. This week, their focus was on how energy is generated and distributed in our homes! Not only are the students having the opportunity to build and be creative with legos, but they are learning and applying this knowledge in their builds! I am excited to see what they learn and create in the weeks ahead! 

After School Programs/Courses: 
It has been awesome to see the kids getting excited about programs/courses being offered after school.  I will make a plug once again, encouraging any parent/family member/family friend to reach out to Jaime at Princeton Rec and organize an offering! There has to be an avid baker out there willing to take on the challenge of teaching kids to bake or decorate cookies/cupcakes!  What about an artist or someone passionate about arts and crafts that wants to inspire our Warrior artists?  There are so many options!  If you are willing to offer a course but you are stuck on an idea, I am more than willing to help you think of one! 

Three times each year our 3rd through 8th graders take a Panorama study to help us gauge social and emotional needs in the building. It provides a wealth of knowledge that we are still unpacking and learning. Our last staff meeting we reviewed much of this data and discussed ways to support our students. Our wonderful Adjustment C
ounselor, Alina Budrys, has been leading the charge. Our goal has been to find a way to incorporate her skills into a regular class rotation. This coming quarter, we are able to offer an SEL class in the middle school rotation and she has offered the following description. The class is intended to foster the development of social-emotional skills relevant to middle school students as part of our schoolwide curriculum. Her ultimate goal with this class is to support students in building the skills they need to be successful academically, personally, and interpersonally. The course will be experiential in nature and will cover topics like executive functioning, self-advocacy, stress management/self-care, conflict resolution, and community building. We can't wait for this to get started! Feel free to reach out to her with any questions at

Electronic folder

The week ahead: 

  • Tuesday (1/24) 
    • End of 2nd Quarter
    • Boys basketball at Central Tree
  • Friday (1/27)
    • BraveHeart Baseball visiting at lunches
    • Boys basketball at Mountview
  • Saturday (1/28) 
    • Princeton Winter Carnival


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