Short week

It was nice just to get back into the building this week. For a while, I was getting flashbacks to THE ice storm from years back. I'm so sorry that so many of you were without power. It was really sweet though to hear students come in on our abbreviated Wednesday sharing stories of their week. Many smiled while they talked about pulling out board games, snuggling by the fireplace, or even some family generator adventures. While outages are scary, they can also remind us of simpler times and give us a moment to unplug and just be together. All that being said, thank goodness it didn't take long to get the power back up! In a similar vein, its difficult to roll out an electronic notification system while folks are without power. Now that everyone is back up and running, please take the time to login to SDM and set preferences. This supports all families and will be the primary communication venue for transportation changes, early dismissals, absences, and late arrivals. Once you...