
As promised, I have more information to share about Nurse Karina. She is coming to us from Paxton school so send positive vibes their way as they try and search for a replacement. Their loss is certainly our gain. Meanwhile, we have a pair of sub nurses sharing the role. Hello! My name is Karina Abbascia and I am so excited to be joining the TPS team as your school nurse! I have heard nothing but great things about TPS and look forward to working with you all. I graduated from Worcester State University with a degree in Psychology & Spanish and worked in research for several years before deciding to return to school to get my bachelor's degree in nursing from MCPHS University. Upon graduation, I worked at St. Vincent Hospital for several years before making the transition to the school setting in August of 2020. I have been working at PCS since this time and I have met some extraordinary educators, students, and families. The change has been a bittersweet one and, as...