3 Great Days!

The First week (or at least 3 days) is in the books! It was a great start. I wanted to thank our returning Student Council members who came in and "Chalked the Walk" to brighten our entryway. Thank you Declan, Kailyn, Lena, Nalena, and Megan. Walking through the halls and meeting kids, I see excitement and joy throughout the building. Teachers are busy teaching expectations and creating routines and the gentle hum of the building confirms we are back in business. 

If your kids are anything like my son, they come home and won't say anything about school, but when he does I find myself wondering, "Did that really happen?" Well if any of your students came home talking about petting a dog in the building, that probably did happen. Every Thursday and Friday, our School Psychologist comes in with Lady, the certified therapy dog. Its amazing to watch the student's (and staff's) faces when she walks in. It is hard to find a face without a smile and Lady gets petted all day. This picture was taken at the beginning of the day and I'm not sure who was happier, the kids or Lady. She is truly a great addition to our community!

As we move through the year, we are trying to streamline some processes. One of the things that we've noticed is dismissal messages are getting lost in the shuffle. If you are making a change to your child's dismissal, please make sure Tracy Nourse (tracy_nourse@wrsd.net), in the main office, is included in your communication. Oftentimes, teachers don't get to their emails while teaching our students. 

Remember our first PTO meeting is occuring on Tuesday at 6:00! Come join us and find out about the first few days of school and of our upcoming events. We'd love to have you be a part of the process and discussion! Coming to the meetings is not a commitment to future events...though we'd love to get you involved. All are welcome to attend. 

A note about Picture Day! When we return from the long weekend, we will be having our annual picture day. This year, we did not recieve paper envelopes in time to distrubute. However, you should have recieved two emails from O'Connor Studios already. This online format allows you to pick your picture package while limiting paper consumption. If you did not receive an email, please check your spam box. Another/final email will be going out on Monday at 7:00 pm. If you still have not recieved information from them, fear not. O'Connor Studios intends to take everyone's photo and there will be envelopes afterwards for anyone that needs them. 

The Cafeteria has asked me to remind everyone that, once again, breakfast is free! Unlike last year, we aren't able to do "grab and go" so please make sure you let your student(s) know that they can come into the cafe for breakfast each morning.

A note from the Town Librarian seeking teen readers: 

Teen Library:To all 7th and 8th graders:

My name is Nicole Abady from the Princeton Library and I want to invite you to join T.A.B. - Teen Advisory Board (there will be snacks!)


T.A.B. is a volunteer group of teens who help us make the library a better place! They help with programming, come up with new ideas, help choose books and have a lot of fun. You will get volunteer hours that you can use for getting a job, National Honor Society, applying for colleges, or just the good feelings you get for helping others.


I have A LOT of fun ideas for TAB this year and I’d love for you to come to a meeting or two and see what I’m planning. Did I mention there will be snacks?


We are rethinking the teen space and would love some input. We have volunteer opportunities for things like Saturday Storytimes, a circus themed event for Trunk or Treat, plus so much more!


T.A.B. meetings will once a month, on a Thursday night at the Princeton Library. The first meeting will be on September 8nd at 6:00pm.


Sign up here…and please tell your friends! 

Looking Ahead: 
  • Monday (9/5) 
    • No School - Labor Day
  • Tuesday (9/6) 
    • First Day of Middle School Track
    • Picture Day! 
    • Election Day in the Gym
    • PTO Meeting at 6:00
  • Wednesday (9/7) 
    • PTO Fundraiser Kickoff at lunch
  • Friday (9/9) 
    • Patriot Friday! The Pats will take on the Dolphins Sunday!
    • Grade 8 Panoramic Picture


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