Learning is fun!

Learning can be and should be fun! Mrs. DiFonso and I have the priviledge of roaming the halls each week and popping in to see the great work our students and teachers are doing together. This week, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite activities and we thought it would be even better to hear about it from the students themselves. We've invited a few guest bloggers to let you in on what they are doing. 

5th Grade Book Tasting: 
"Fifth grade had a book tasting and their first book club this week. In the morning when we came into class, the tables were covered with table cloths. On the tables were four different books on each table. Each table had a different book to taste, all of the books are nonfiction with facts. Each group got to preview and sample each book. We focused on the front and back text and answered some questions. It felt like we were in a cafe! 
On the day of the first book club we got assigned groups base on our interests. Each group had an adult to learn about the book. The adult also asked us questions about the book as well. We felt like our first book club was a success because we got our questions done and got to read some of the book." 
Levi B & Cameran R

6th Grade STEAM:

"In 6th grade science we constructed a tangle free earbud holder. The goal of the project was to use the Engineering Design Process to research, design, build, test, improve our design, reflect on our build and share our final product with our classmates. First we identified the problem, which is: earbuds often tangle when you leave them somewhere out of a case. It was our job to solve that problem. Our group ended up having three basic designs and we decided to build two of them. After we built our first design, we discovered it didn't work well. We then tweaked this design so the earbuds would fit better into the holder, even though it wouldn't look as good as we had hoped. Meanwhile, we were working on our second design. We found that the second design was sleek and smaller. One flaw in our second design was it was more difficult and time consuming to put the earbuds in it. We had our designs finished and we weren't too sure on how we wanted to present our earbud holders. We ended up deciding to make a rap and an infomercial style presentation to share with our classmates.

These are the lyrics to our rap.


Listen up! I'm less, less tangled than you, fox holder and new earbuds too.

I'm less, less tangled than you, less tangled than you and you too.

In conclusion, we used the Engineering Design Process to effectively build a tangle free earbud holder that looks good and fits in one's pocket."

Cameron W, Dexter S, & Eldon G

Curriculum Night:
Thursday night is a return to our "in person" curriculum night and we couldn't be more excited to welcome everyone back in the building. This is traditionally an adult only event and, for the most, part we would like to keep it as such for this year. That being said, if you do not have childcare, we'd rather you bring your student(s) than not come at all. Grades K through 6 will have two 30 minute presentations so you can plan your evening and try to attend multiple presentations if you have children across the grade levels. Grades 7 and 8 will have shorter presentations (approximately 10 mins) as there are 5 teachers. The timelines are as follows:
  • K/3 - 5:00-6:00
  • 1st/2nd/6th - 5:30-6:30
  • 4th/5th - 6:00-7:00
  • 7th/8th - 6:30-7:30
  • Specials/Special Education 5:45-6:45
Proof of Sundae: Today was the final culmination of promises made in regards to the PTA fundraiser. The kids did a great job and did in fact earn their pajama day. Plus, each student earned a topping to place on their administrators heads. I think this may have been the highlight for some of them. I submit here for you the photographic evidence that Mrs. DiFonso and I do, in fact, make good on our promises. I hope it puts a smile on your faces as well.

New: Monty Tech Flyer
Looking ahead:
  • Wednesday (9/28) 
    • Half Day PD Day - Dismissal at 11:55
  • Thursday (9/29) 
    • Curriculum Night
  • Friday (9/30) 
    • TPS Pride day! Wear your TPS gear or Red to support the Cross Country Team as they prepare for the Wachusett Invitational Saturday! 


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