One Week Countdown

Just over a week to go and I wanted to get this on the top of everyone's emails! A few notes below, a link to the last communication with full details, and here is the link for 5th-8th grade music sign-ups. 

Come join us on Friday for Popsicles on the Playground from 4:00-6:00! The weather just might cooperate this year!

Library volunteers: Our TPS Library volunteer crew is getting ready to open the library on the first day of school! Beginning on Day 1, children who arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 are invited to spend time in the Library checking out books, playing games, or hanging out with friends. We can't wait to see them! We are also welcoming new volunteers to our library crew! Our volunteers read to classes when they visit the library, help students check books out, and keep our library organized and beautiful. Volunteer when your child visits, or come at any other time of the day for behind-the scenes tasks. Younger siblings are welcome to join you! If you'd like to learn more, email Jessie at

A note from Ms. Santello about the Bangrazi courtyard: 
Dear Thomas Prince Families and Friends,
The new school year is almost here and we have a volunteer opportunity coming up! Please join us for a Summer Cleanup of the Bangrazi Courtyard!
Thursday, August 22nd is our Bangrazi Courtyard Summer Cleanup and Set-up Date! (Open hours 10-2)
Come help us clean up raised garden beds, check the trails, and do a few more weeding/removal jobs left from the spring, so the courtyard is ready for Fall! Our incredible spring volunteers accomplished wonders. Drop by and lend a hand in weeding if you have time!  Sign-up is optionally here - thank you! Snacks and coffee provided :)
Email Elaine Santello at with questions or for more information. Thank you! 
Special thanks to alumni Sam Peoples and Alex Gonzalez for an early cleanup and Dot Odgren for arranging it. 

Electronic Folder: Includes Letter Day Calendar

Looking ahead: 
  • Tuesday (8/27) Day A 
    • First Day of School 1st through 8th
  • Wednesday (8/28) Day B
    • First Day of Kindergarten
  • Thursday (8/29) Day C
  • Friday (8/30) Day D
    • TPS Friday! Wear your TPS gear or Red/Black 


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