Fun Running!

Now that we're into the year, I feel like I should share my purpose in these weekly communications. My intention is to send them every Friday to keep you informed on the logistics of the school and share some of the great learning taking place inside these walls. As a father myself, I find it nearly impossible to find out what happened in his day. Hopefully, some of the pictures and stories I share here can spark conversation at home and you'll get more information than I do! 

Fun Run: Today was the big day and it seemed to come quickly. Thank you to the PTA andBoosterThon for organizing our Fun Run/Color Run! I think it's safe to say it was a huge success! Besides being a ton of fun, the PTA was able to raise nearly $17,000 in a short span to reinvigorate their coffers and eclipse their goal of $9,000. Remember, all this money raised goes directly back into the school to support our children's education through enrichment opportunities, technology, and more. The students crushed all the goals set before them. The overall percentage of people registering earned them a pajama day next Friday. Surpassing the original monetary goal will give them the opportunity to turn me into a human ice cream sundae. The added stretch goal of $14,000 "sweetened" the deal as Mrs. DiFonso will join me. We are finalizing the logistics of this one. 

Attendance and Dismissal: A quick note from the office. If your child is going to be absent please make sure you call the nurse or email her cc'ing Mrs. Nourse in the front office. We can let teachers know but it is easier on this end to pass the information on than it is for teachers to do so with all their students in front of them. Ultimately, Mrs. Nourse and the nurse are responsible for tracking this information. If you are changing transportation, please just call or email Mrs. Nourse. While discussing the nurse, I also wanted to let you all know that our school nurse, Heather Moore, has accepted a position outside of the district. This new job represents a great opportunity for her and her family. We are already searching for her replacement and will let you know once one is found. Meanwhile, I know you will all join me in congratulating her as well as thanking her for keeping our building healthy these last few years!  

Cross Country: This week, our 6th through 8th grade Cross Country team took to the course and raced for the first time this season. When I came to TPS, I hadn't even thought about the idea that we would have sports teams. It was a wonderful surprise! And what a team we have. Coach Larry has great participation and the team showed great camarderie. I was proud to watch them all!

Music Electives
: Last call for Chorus, Band, and Strings Sign-ups for students in grades 5 through 8. You can sign up here

Electronic folder

New additions: SEPAC - Instrument Rental - Screening Opt-out

Looking ahead: 

  • Monday (9/19) 
    • Library Volunteer Meeting
  • Tuesday (9/20) 
    • Bus Evacuation Drills
  • Thursday (9/22) 
    • Student Council Speeches
  • Friday (9/23) 
    • Pajama Day! (Thank you PTA and donors!)


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