Winter is here!

We are officially done with the first trimesters of the school year. I've had a few questions about term dates this year so this seems like a good time to clarify an updated process for families. This year the district moved the elementary schools (K-5) to trimester reporting. You will now receive three report cards each year for those grades. The middle school has remained on the quarter system. If you have a student in grades K-5, you should have access to your student report cards on PowerSchool today (12/6), 3/21, and on the last day of school (TBD). Middle School parents can access report cards on 1/31, 4/11, and the last day of school (TBD). While writing about report cards, I also wanted to let elementary school parents know that there had been some subtle changes to our grading practices. In communications regarding the elementary report card, the phrase "needs some support to access grade-level standards" has caused some confusion. The implication is not that the student is struggling significantly, but rather that they are progressing towards proficiency. If your student has a "2" on their report card they are indeed on track and progressing.    

In such a small community, I suspect word has traveled but I wanted to let you all know that Mrs.

Holwell, our MS English Language Arts teacher has resigned effective the end of the month so that she can take care of family members. Our MS Social Studies teacher, Mr. Nichols, will be assuming her post in ELA, a position he has held in the past. This means there is a posting out there for a MS Social Studies teacher to start, hopefully, on January 2nd. We have already received some strong interest so we will be working on filling that post in the coming weeks. While discussing hiring, people may have noticed a posting for a School Adjustment Counselor. This is an additional counselor that the district has been able to account for through efficiencies within the district. It will be great to add some additional mental health resources to the building. 

Get ready for the TPS Holiday Shop next week, running from Tuesday to Friday! This is a great opportunity for students to pick out thoughtful gifts for loved ones. This is also a great volunteer opportunity. The PTA is looking for helpers to set up the shop! if you're available, please join us on Monday at 5:30 pm at the school to lend a hand. Your support makes events like this possible - thank you!

The classroom schedules are below: 

  • Tuesday: Roczniak, McClure, Hacket, Zielinski, Kristoff, Loughlin, Santello, St. Pierre, Chapalonis
  • Wednesday: Hawkridge, Dolat, Gibbons, Kurzanski, Andre, Keough
  • Thursday: Roczniak, McClure, Zielinski, Andre, Santello, Dolat
  • Friday: Hacket, Hawkridge, Zielinski, Kristoff
Students in grades 7 and 8 who have money for shopping will be able to visit the holiday shop during their lunch on Tuesday 12/10. 
Bus Scout Pack 25 is hosting a Toys for Tots fundraiser in the lobby. The box is being picked up on Tuesday so please make sure any donations are in on Monday. 

Electronic Folder

Polar Plunge, Lights in Common, Holiday Shop Flyer

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (12/9) Day C
    • School Council
    • Monty Tech VIP
  • Tuesday (12/10) Day D
  • Wednesday (12/11) Day A
  • Thursday (12/12) Day B
  • Friday (12/13) Day C


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