
Thanksgiving seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the year so far. I'd like to express my thankfulness and gratitude for being a part of the TPS community. It's wonderful to be in a place where parents are invested in the work we do. Where students are eager to learn and teachers care about kids. I hope you all enjoy the Thanksgiving break! 

Now that we are deep into the school year, I wanted to take a few minutes to remind folks of the drop-

off process. Our goal is to keep traffic flowing safely. To that end, at this point in the year, your child should be able to get out of the car independently and when possible they should get out on the driver's side, directly onto the sidewalk. If your child has already disembarked please wait for the car in front of you and don't pass on the right. Sometimes students will exit on that side and we do not want any injuries. If your child does need a little help getting out of the car please pull into an open spot. If you want me to help just give me the nod and I'm happy to come over to you to help.  

We love to share some of our wonderful student products and activities, but I realize many parents don't know the inner processes and systems we have in place. It seemed like a good idea to share some of these periodically through my weekly communication. This week, I thought I would talk about our Student Support Team (SST). This team of staff members supports other teachers in meeting individual students' needs. If a teacher has a concern about a student's behavior, social-emotional needs, or academic progress, they create an intervention plan in our system. They monitor progress through this plan and if the student continues to struggle they bring the child's case to SST. The SST makes suggestions and together a new goal is developed. The team reconvenes in six weeks to determine progress and make decisions around the next steps. If your child's case comes to SST the teacher has already had a conversation with you. This is just one system we have in place to ensure students are getting what they need.  

This is the last call for Lost and Found before we make the big donation to make room for our winter clothes lost and found.  

Remember this is an amazing fundraiser for the art room so get your order in as soon as possible. Orders close on 11/29. Thank you all so much! - Mrs. Finkler
A note from our PTA: 

🎁 The TPS Holiday Shop is Back! 🎄

We are thrilled to announce that the beloved TPS Holiday Shop is returning the week of December 9th! This fun and festive shopping experience gives our students the opportunity to pick out special gifts for their loved ones while spreading holiday cheer.

To make this event a success, we need your help! We're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist with:

  • Keeping items organized
  • Helping students shop

If you’re interested, please sign up to volunteer at the link below:
👉 Holiday Shop Volunteer Schedule

Important: All volunteers must have a current CORI form on file to assist in the building.

Thank you for your support in bringing this magical experience to our students. We can’t wait to see the joy and excitement it brings to our TPS community!

Warm regards,
The Thomas Prince PTA

On Tuesday, grades 5 through 8 will participate in a Turkey Trot in the morning. This fun tradition started last year. This year, we are asking for a fun twist. Students who would like to be eligible for stylish turkey prize metal should bring in one canned good. Mrs. McDonal will deliver all food donations to the Worcester Food Bank after the Turkey Trot. Let's help our neighbors and community to have a happy holiday season! 🦃

Electronic Folder

Lights on the Common

The weeks ahead:

  • Monday (11/25) Day D
    • Monty Tech VIP program
  • Tuesday (11/26) Day A
  • Wednesday-Friday (No School)
  • Monday (12/2) Day B
  • Tuesday (12/3) Day C
  • Wednesday (12/4) Day D
  • Thursday (12/5) Day A
  • Friday (12/6) Day B 


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