The countdown to break begins!

The Holiday Shop was a huge success! It was great to see so many kids with smiling faces and all walked out with something. It's nice to have kids shopping and thinking of others. The PTA did a great job stocking the shelves and decorating. We had so many crafty donations from people in the community, too. We also couldn't have done it without the numerous volunteers helping kids shop and managing the register. 

The PTA is also excited to announce that we once again be participating in the Worcester Bravehearts reading program. Even though it is typically billed as a K-5 program, Middle School students are encouraged to participate. We are expecting some guests from the Braveheart to visit next week to help kick off the program for kids. You can learn more about the program and submit logged books here

We are looking for YOU! Have you ever thought about working with children? Were you a teacher at one point and would like to slowly reenter the classroom? We are currently hiring two paraprofessional positions (I jinxed us a few weeks ago when I announced we were fully staffed). The job isn't glamorous and the pay isn't stellar, however, the benefits come in children's smiles and gratitude from parents and teaching staff alike. You get the opportunity to work with a stellar team. I actually began my career as a paraprofessional and it was one of my favorite jobs of all time!

You may have noticed a trailer full of water in the parking lot this week. It was nothing to be concerned about so I figured I'd wait until now to fill everyone in. The well pump failed Monday evening. This is separate from the work done over the summer. The trailer filled our water tanks in the snack shack so there was no impact on our water supply. This water was tested just as our wells are regularly tested. The town worked pretty quickly to get a company in and replace the well and I am so appreciative of their quick action. We should be all set for Monday. 

If your student has been coming home without everything they left the house with, I have an idea where these missing items can be found. The lost and found is loaded! We haven't even gotten into the lost snowgear season yet. Besides clothing, there is a basket full of water bottles. Over the upcoming winter break, we will be clearing space in lost and found by donating what is currently there. I'd encourage you to swing by the lobby or ask your student to do so before the break. 

Students worked on a project entitled "I See You " in the grade 7 advisory. Students filled out a survey and a random classmate made them a collage based on their answers. Today was the big reveal and students loved their collages.

A note from Nurse Karina: 

With cold and flu season fully upon us, please review this list noting when to keep your
child at home. If ever in doubt about sending your child to school who is feeling unwell, please reach out to the school nurse at (978)464-5507 or for guidance. We aim for a healthy environment to increase learning and academic success here at TPS!
Physical Examinations: Massachusetts regulation 105 CMR 200.000 requires each student attending public school to have a physical when entering grades 4 & 7. If you haven’t done so already, please provide your school nurse with a record of your child’s most recent physical exam. Your school nurse can give you more information about what documentation your child may need to meet this requirement. Thank you for your cooperation!

A reminder that the electronic folder below is a great way to keep up with what is happening at TPS and in the community. The link brings you to a Google folder with flyers and other information. I try to keep it up to date and take down things after the fact. I also try to keep a note with a direct link when I add a new flyer. 

The electronic folder

The Week Ahead: 

  • Saturday (12/9) 
    • Lego League competition at WPI
  • Monday (12/11) Day D
  • Tuesday (12/12) Day A
  • Wednesday (12/13) Day B
  • Thursday (12/14) Day C
    • Monty Tech VIP
  • Friday (12/15) Day D
    • Worcester Bravehearts mascot during lunch 
    • MS Dance


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