4 Days Left!

I wanted to take a moment to recognize our Lego League team who competed last weekend. After months of preparation and practice, they brought their presentation and their robot to WPI to compete. I am so proud of them and all the missions they completed, the perseverance they showed, and the adjustments they made throughout the day. Leading up to the competition, I was able to sit and see the presentation that went along with their work. I was blown away! They created a website, a video with a green screen, and a model. Everyone had a part and they worked seamlessly together. That is part of why it was not a huge surprise to me that they won the judges' award last weekend and were invited to participate in States this coming weekend. You can check out their trophy on our trophy shelf in the lobby. Best of luck to them! 

If you do swing by to check out the trophy, you'll also have an opportunity to check the lost and found. This is the last call before we make donations with what is remaining. There are some really nice sweatshirts/jackets, a bin full of water bottles, and plenty of hats and mittens. Come on by and encourage your student(s) to do the same. 
The Student Council has decided to make next week a Spirit Week! I'm happy I won't feel like I need to wear a tie all week. Remember that Spirit Days are optional and meant to be in good fun. They also made a concerted effort to keep it inclusive. On Monday, kids can wear their ugliest sweaters (although some insist they are beautiful). On Tuesday, we will celebrate Summer in December and dust off our beach wear (please encourage students to wear long pants under shorts, etc so they are still warm during recess). Wednesday is a student favorite, Pajama Day. We'll round out the week with a Holiday Character Day on Thursday. 

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (12/18) Day A
    • Ugly Sweater Day
  • Tuesday (12/19) Day B
    • Summer in December Day
    • Grade 6 Field Trip
  • Wednesday (12/20)  Day C
    • Pajama Day
  • Thursday (12/21) Day D
    • Holiday Character Day
    • Monty Tech VIP
  • Friday - Monday (12/22-1/1) 
    • No School for Winter Break



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