Long weekend = short week

Saturday will be our courtyard and trail clean-up from 8:00 to 2:00. 
Come help us weed, clean up, and winterize raised garden beds, install weed-blocking landscaping fabric, divide and replant our native plants, and do a few more little jobs that make a big difference all around campus! Our incredible spring volunteers accomplished wonders, come join us this Saturday! Sign up here or stop by to help out any time between 8 and 2!

I can't believe it has taken me until October to remind folks that we have a school Instagram account! We (mostly Mrs. DiFonso actually) work to regularly share the great work our staff and students are doing. It is a great way to start a dinner conversation too! "I saw on Instagram today that you were..." Follow us at @tpswarriors.

The PTA is seeking your input! They love to have families' voices involved in their decision-making and are already planning ahead to the '24-25 school year. Please take this BRIEF survey to provide your input regarding next year's major fall fundraising initiative. Your input is genuinely appreciated! 

A note from your PTA
So many things are happening in the PTA world right now! 
-If you're wanting to get FREE shipping on Spirit Wear, orders are due by midnight on Sunday, October 15th. Don't miss out on this deal and get new spirit wear that can be used for holiday gifts! Just send us an email at TPSprincetonPTA@gmail.com if you want us to keep your order a secret from your student.
-Wanting to spruce up your home or get ahead of the game with holiday gifting for friends and family? Our Poinsettia Sale is happening now. Head on over to our website to order yours today.
-We are still looking for two Class Captains for grades 6, 7, and 8. We are also looking to add one more Captain to grades K, 2, and 4. If you have any interest in helping us with this, please reach out. 
-Ready to start creating those holiday cards to send out? We have partnered with the company Minted to give you all a discount on your purchases. Use the code FUNDRAISETHOMASPRINCE to get 20% off of our order, PLUS 15% of that order comes back to the PTA to help us support enrichment, staff grants, and other initiatives.
-Finally, we are still accepting new members for the 2023-24 school year. Not sure that volunteering or running a committee is for you? Don't fret! Membership is whatever you choose to make it. But there are so many reasons to join. We love meeting new members of the TPS community, and a larger membership also gets us recognized by the State and National PTA. Did you know that last year our TPS PTA was recognized by the MA State PTA at their annual convention because we had so much growth in membership? Let's get our membership to be even more robust this year! Head on over to our website and become a member today. 

This has been a rough week around the world with sad and scary news coming from the Middle East. Our hearts go out to all those affected. If your child is hearing about these events, seeing the images on social media, and asking questions, Maria Letasz, our director of Student Services has created a list of resources for parents: 

A Note from Mrs. DiFonso
We need your help! 
The Lego League is off and running and the students are enjoying getting creative with legos, but also finding ways to apply their creativity to help solve/address real-world problems!  The group's focus is to create tutorials to help people learn how to ski safely!  This is where we need the TPS Community's help!  The Lego Coach was hoping to have a coach, ski instructor, or sports psychologist (but anyone who was or is considered an expert in skiing or snowboarding would also fit the bill) come in to talk with the group!  If you fit the description or know someone who would be willing, please reach out to Mrs. DiFonso (bethanne_difonso@wrsd.net) and let her know!   

Electronic Folder

New: Kids Hike, PTA Flyers,

 The Week Ahead: 

  • Saturday (10/14) 
    • Courtyard clean-up! 
  • Monday (10/16) Day D
    • School Council
  • Tuesday (10/17) Day A
    • Picture Retakes
  • Wednesday (10/18) Day B
    • Cross Country Meet
  • Thursday (10/19) Day C
  • Friday (10/20) Day D


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