Fall is in the air!

It was great to greet the students on Monday with a cleaned-up Bengrazi courtyard! Over last weekend, we had numerous waves of volunteers come through under the direction of Ms. Santello. It's amazing how the rain helped the weeds grow this summer. It is now mostly weed-free and is ready for the winter. We normally try to get a picture of all the volunteers but everyone came at different times we just weren't able to capture everyone. However, please know if you swung by on Saturday, it was noticed and appreciated. A big thank you to Ms. Santello, not only for organizing the day but also for giving up her entire Saturday to guide our work and get our hands dirty. 

A note from our 6th Grade: 
"As a culminating activity for our study of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", the students will be decorating pumpkins to resemble a character from the story. On Monday, October 30th, families are invited to attend a nature trail walk of “The Sleepy Hollow Woods”, where the pumpkins will be out on display throughout the Laurel Trail starting at 1:45 PM. In the event of inclement weather, the pumpkins will be on display in rooms 406 and 408. If you plan to dismiss your child after this event, please make sure to mark this in SDM for your sixth grader and any siblings you may be dismissing."

Next week is shaping up to be a fun week! Student Council has requested to have a Spirit Week and I thought it was a great week for it. There is an image below with specific day's themes and I'll include it in the "Look Ahead" portion as well. You'll notice that the week ends with a costume day. Given their request for this day, it seemed to make sense to adjust the parade to Friday morning. Apologies to anyone who may have planned ahead for a parade on the 31st. Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade will be led around the building by our Middle School marching band starting at 9:00. If your student has beliefs that inhibit participation in this event, please let me know and we will plan an alternate activity for them or excuse an absence. The parade will begin at the bus lobby doors and take a right to circle the building before reentering at the same doors. I know the band is working on some musical accompaniment so I can't wait to hear what they have in store for us!  
A reminder about costumes. We are a K to 8 school. To this end, what is cool in 8th grade may be scary in Kindergarten. Students should not have costumes with gore. Nor are simulated weapons allowed. We should also be able to recognize students so face masks are not allowed. Inflatable costumes will be a struggle in the classroom so we ask that these be left at home as well unless a student plans to only wear it for the parade. And finally, let's have some fun with this! 

A note from our 8th-grade parents:
"It’s that time of year!! This year's 8th-grade graduating class is having a HUGE raffle with tons of prizes, gift cards to local restaurants, breweries, specialty gift baskets, and much much more!!  All proceeds go to eighth-grade fundraising for events like semi-formal, field trips, etc.
Don’t miss out on your chance to help the eighth grade and to WIN a HUGE prize!!!
Venmo at @TPS8thGrade-2024
1 ticket/chance to win $5.  
Or 5 tickets/chances to win $20.
Checks can be made out to Thomas Prince School "
A note from our awesome art teacher, Mrs. Finkler:

"Hi families
Your artists have been hard at work making beautiful art pieces.  We are doing the Square 1 fundraiser this year and you will be able to purchase your child's work on all different types of keepsakes.  We will have order forms going home in mid-November.  Please reach out if you have any questions." melissa_finkler@wrsd.net

Look Ahead: 

  • Monday (10/23) Day A
    • Dress Up / Dress Down Day
    • Monty Tech Tour 
  • Tuesday (10/24) Day B
    • Crazy Hat/Hair Day
  • Wednesday (10/25) Day C
    • Dress like a Celebrity
  • Thursday (10/26) Day D
    • Dress like a book character
  • Friday (10/27) Day A
    • Wear a costume to school (*see restrictions above) 
    • Costume Parade at 9:00
    • Monty Tech application Meet & Greet
    • OT Appreciation Day


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