We've got Spirit, How bout you?

Every year, a program called Project 351 pulls one 8th grader from every Middle School in the state to join together in leadership and service . Project 351 celebrates students who are quiet leaders in their schools. The TPS teachers tried to select someone who leads with an open heart and is kind, compassionate, and humble. They looked for someone who demonstrates respect for others, works as a team, and has a desire to help others . This year, the Middle School teachers nominated Nick Brady. Nick fits the bill on all of these characteristics and we recognized him at lunch this week. I know he will represent TPS well! You can learn more about the program here . Looking ahead, we are planning on having another "violent intruder" drill next week. I prefer to refer to them as ALICE drills. We had one of these in the Spring last year and learned a lot through the process. Our goal in these drills is to create motor memory for students and empower staff to make respo...