Mid-Summer Family Check-In

Even while the students aren't here, there is plenty of work being done in the building. The custodians are hard at work waxing, washing, and cleaning. We have also had some room changes, so that always adds to the summer work. We are fortunate to be having a facelift completed in the cafeteria kitchen Painters have covered the institutional blue and we've had some new equipment already installed. It should make for a nice surprise for the kids and I know the kitchen staff are excited. Additionally, we are seeing progress made toward new building locks and the water tank replacement project. Little by little, we will be ready for the kids to return at the end of August. 

Speaking of the kitchen, we are hiring a kitchen staff member this fall. It is a part-time position in a great kitchen. They have a lot of fun and really love interacting/feeding the children. If you are interested or would like to learn more, the posting can be found here or you can reach out directly to the district  Supervisor of School Nutrition at margaret_barton@wrsd.net. If TPS is a little too close to home, there are numerous other openings across the district as well. 

Families in all grades: Extended day sign-ups are here! Please check this link if you want to access the program this year. We do not intend to set a cap for attendance but will look to add staff if the number of students requiring the program outpaces the staffing currently in place. You are required to pick specific days, though so that we can plan appropriately. 

Families in all grades: If you need to make any changes to your students' transportation please complete the linked form and send it to Tracy as soon as possible to ensure we have enough time to explore the request. 

Families in grades 5 through 8:
Music in grades 5 through 8 will look a little different this year as we try to balance band, strings, and chorus. I am asking families of students in those grades to please complete this
form and let us know your students' preferences if you haven't done so already.

For families in grades 5 through 8: It's hard to believe but Cross Country season is nearly upon us. We are looking forward to another great season! Sign-ups can be found here and there is a hard deadline of August 29th. We will not accept registrations after this date as we require the time to make sure physicals are all up to date. I know students have been disappointed to miss the deadline in the past so I'd encourage everyone to signup sooner rather than later and risk missing out.

Attention 8th-grade families:
Last summer, a group of 8th-grade parents grouped together to raise money to offset the cost of our students' celebrations. These celebrations can take many forms, and I do seek feedback from the students themselves. This past year's 8th-grade class chose to have a semi-formal dance and go on a trip to Six Flags. If you are interested in fundraising, please reach out to me and I will help facilitate the creation of a committee.

SAVE THE DATE: Popsicles on the Playground is scheduled for 8/25 from 4:00-6:00. Enjoy some community and popsicles while your kids reacquaint themselves with our playground. Following the event, the Princeton Police Department will be hosting an event on-site, showing a movie and selling refreshments. Fingers crossed for better weather this year! 

In the event some people need the PTA update, I am linking their update
here. Incoming K students will likely still need to be added to their communication list. You can log in to the PTA toolkit and join us through this link.

The Library Needs You! The TPS Library is seeking volunteers for the 2023-24 school year!  We will have volunteer times throughout the school day, so if you think you might have interest and availability, please email Jessie at jessie.trowbridge@gmail.com for more information.

Looking ahead:
  • Friday (8/25)
    • Popsicles on the Playground
  • Wednesday (8/30)
    • First day of school
  • Thursday (8/31)
    • First day of Kindergarten


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