
This week was about celebrations! We celebrated our 8th graders' TPS careers with a Semi Formal dance on Thursday. Thank you to the parents that fundraised to offset the costs and who decorated for the evening. The kids danced the night away at Harrington Farms. Tonight, we will host our 8th-grade Commencement Ceremony at WRHS. And next week, these students will finish off the year with a Field Trip to 6 Flags! They have been amazing ambassadors this year and I know they will make us proud in the next steps of their academic careers.   

Another year's culminating year-end celebration was Wednesday's Field Day. The weather looked questionable but couldn't have been better. And the kids had a BLAST! I want to give a big thank you to our PE teacher, Mrs. McDonald, who planned and organized the whole thing. We couldn't have done it without the support of our generous PTA or the help of our volunteers. I can't forget to thank the Princeton Fire Department for coming out. Thanks, too, to the 7th graders that supported many of the events and to the teachers who brought their "A" game. Kids had the opportunity to jump in the bounce house, throw at the dunk tank, use the fire hose, and so much more. It was fantastic! 

This week, the 5th graders had an opportunity to have a special guest join us on Monday, June 12th! Mr. Terry Ingano, retired superintendent in Clinton and member of the town's Historical Society shared photos and stories about the building of the Wachusett Reservoir and Dam. This was a great piece of our K'Nex challenge, as it help students make a connection between the river and the dam in their challenge with a local historical connection! Friday, they shared their work with scientists from Thermo Fisher Scientific. 

On Wednesday, June 14, fifth-grade students celebrated our country and Flag Day with a flag retirement ceremony led by Tim Kelly and the Princeton Fire Department. Students were active participants in the ceremony and experienced the respectful way to retire the American flag by burning. It was a memorable experience for all who participated. 

A note from the nurse's office: 

Message from the School Nurse:

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, here are some reminders from the Health Office:

  • All medications must be picked up by an adult at the end of the school year. If possible, please let me know if you will be coming prior to picking up the medication(s) so that I can have everything prepared.

  • All medication orders must be renewed each school year. New medication orders and medication should be brought in the day before or on the first day of school. Students are not allowed to transport medications to school with the exception of EpiPens or rescue inhalers that a student carries in their backpack.  Nurses must be notified of any self-carry medications. Medication order forms can be downloaded off the school website using the Health Services tab.

  • ALL medications administered at school must have a physician's order and parent permission. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications. Please see the medication policy on the school website.        

  • All students must be fully immunized by the first day of school.  The only exceptions are written documentation from a doctor for medical exemptions or a written document stating that, due to religious beliefs, your child has not been vaccinated. The exemption forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. 

  • Students entering the 4th grade and 7th grade must have an updated physical and immunization record on file in the health office.  Please send these updated documents in as soon as they become available to you.

Please call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns at 978-464-5507 or karina_abbascia@wrsd.net

A final reminder from one of our 8th graders: 

Dear TPS families,

Summer is just around the corner, and we would love for you to join us for our 2nd annual, 4-week running clinic from June 27th through July 20th. It will occur on the back field at TPS 1-2 times a week. There is no charge, and children of all abilities that are rising 1st through 6th graders are welcome, even if you can't make it to all of our sessions.
We hope you can join us!
Clara TPS '23, Kate TPS '21, and Tommy TPS '20 Robinson 

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (6/19) 
    • No School - Juneteenth
  • Tuesday (6/20) 
    • Incoming K Open House
  • Wednesday (6/21) 
    • K Screening
    • 8th grade Field Trip
  • Thursday (6/22) 
    • K Screening 
  • Friday (6/23) 
    • Last Day of School Early Dismissal / Step up day


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