We Remember
A reminder that we have a long weekend starting today. Monday is Memorial Day, a day we spend remembering those in the military who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. If you are in town, there will be a parade and observances on Sunday starting at 1:00. All of the particulars can be found in the flyer in the electronic folder.
Our wonderful student council has been busy! Last night they hosted a Talent Show that blew the doors off the building. TPS truly does have talent. Now our StuCo has moved onto a spirit week when we return on Tuesday. It promises to be a fun shortened week with Pajama Day Tuesday, Wacky Hat/Hair Day Wednesday, Throwback Thursday (Pick any decade), and Croc Day Friday leading to the middle school Croc Hop that evening!
Field Day is coming and we need your help! Mrs. McDonals is looking for fun-loving adults to help manage stations at TPS Field Day (June 14/Rain Date: June 15). What do you need to do? 1. Watch our kids having a blast! 2. Have a blast yourself! 3. Help oversee our 7th graders that are supporting many of these activities. Any volunteer should have an up-to-date CORI. If you are unsure if your CORI is up to date, Mrs. Nourse will know. If you are interested in helping out please reach out to Mrs. McDonald (rachel_mcdonald@wrsd.net).
Thank you for everyone's diligence with School Dismissal Manager! This has really streamlined ourprocesses here and has been a great help. One issue that we do see popping up is that if students are riding another bus or getting off at another stop, parents still need to send a note in with them. This practice has waned. Unfortunately, without a note, the drivers do not know the students are supposed to be on the bus. Starting on Tuesday (5/30), drivers will not be allowing students on alternate buses or off at alternate stops without a physical note. Please send your student into school with this note if applicable. Thanks for your support in keeping our dismissal smooth and orderly.
This week we had a fun multigrade event you may have heard about. Our 6th grade spent some STEAM time planning out different yard game activities. Once they planned these activities, they went on to create them before further refining them. The students then spent time writing out the directions. They piloted these directions with their peers before refining them. The whole activity culminated Thursday morning when students from multiple grade levels joined the 6th grade out on the field to play. It was so nice to see the patience our 6th graders showed with our 1st graders and the joy and excitement on the little ones' faces as they played. This was another reminder of the fun and community available in a K to 8 building.
A note from the Nurses office:
Dear Parents/Guardians of 5th through 8th graders,
TPS will be conducting the annual Postural Screening for grades 5-8 during gym classes the week of 6/5-6/9. If a make-up day is required on any screening day, the postural screening will be held in gym class the following week.
The purpose of this screening is to detect early signs of possible spinal problems in children. It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify young people who should have a further medical evaluation. If your child has any unusual findings, a notice will be sent home asking you to bring your child to a physician as a precaution. If nothing unusual is found, you will not be contacted.Preparation: Students may wear a two-piece swimsuit or halter top/sports bra underneath their regular clothing on the day of the screening. This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back.Opt-Out of the Screening Program: If you wish to exclude your child from the postural screening, please provide documentation that your child was screened by their physician and either complete the note below stating you wish to have your child opt out of the screening or email karina_abbascia@wrsd.netSincerely,
Karina Abbascia
The 5th graders have been super busy and asked me to share some of their activities with all of you!
This week, fifth-grade students were introduced to the newest STEAM challenge adopted by Grade 5 at TPS. Using K’NEX, students will be solving the problem of cleaning up an oil spill and presenting their solution to a team of engineers from Thermo Fisher Scientific later in June. This week introduced students to the science, social studies, and engineering process that this problem presents.
Fifth Grade also had a presentation from Ray Gouley and the Princeton Municipal Light Department this Friday morning. Students reviewed bike safety and learned more about electrical safety in their everyday lives. This program (and the PMLD, specifically!) was recently recognized by District Attorney Joe Early for its education with fifth-grade students.
Ten fifth-grade boys received Arrow of Light in Cubs Scouts. It’s the highest honor in Cub Scouts, and we are so proud of them. Congratulations!
New: Memorial Day flyer, District Summer Art Program,
WRHS Basketball Camp, Summer Striders Running Clinic
The Week Ahead:
- Monday (5/29)
- No School Memorial Day
- Tuesday (5/30)
- Pajama Day
- Track meet at Lunenburg
- Wednesday (5/31)
- Wacky Hair/Hat Day
- Grade 3 Field Trip
- Band Concert at WRHS
- Thursday (6/1)
- Throwback Day
- Track meet at home
- Friday (6/2)
- Croc's Day
- TPS Dance
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday (6/6) Grade 4 Field Trip
Wednesday (6/7) Track meet at home
Thursday (6/8) STEAM Night
Friday (6/9) Kindergarten Celebration
Saturday (6/10) State Track Meet
Wednesday (6/14) Field Day
Thursday (6/15) Field Day Rain Date
Thursday (6/15) 8th Grade Dance
Friday (6/16) Last Day of Kindergarten
Friday (6/16) 8th Grade Graduation
Monday (6/19) No School Juneteenth
Tuesday (6/20) Incoming K Open House
Wednesday (6/21) K Screening
Wednesday (6/21) 8th grade Field Trip
Thursday (6/22) K Screening
Friday (6/23) Last Day of School even after snow days
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