Warrior Wrap Up

This week, the Special Education Parent Advisory Council recognized educators across the district that have made significant contributions to our students with special education needs. Several of our wonderful TPS educators were recognized in Wednesday's ceremony. Congratulations to Karina Abbascia, Megan Foley, Elizabeth Budness, Ariyet Gurbuz, Elaine Santello, Kerry Hackett, Jessica Syria, Jennifer Dolat, and Amy Holwell. This award, submitted by TPS families reminds, us how lucky we are to have an amazing staff here at TPS! 
We are excitedly planning our Field Day for June 14th (you may have noticed on the list of upcoming events) and the PTA has agreed to help support and fund many of our activities! I get the sense that the Field Day planned is above and beyond what has been done here in the past and I'm really excited for it! Thank you to Mrs. McDonald who has been doing the planning! One of the activities planned is a tie-dye t-shirt station and we are trying to plan for t-shirt sizes. If you could please complete this quick survey, it will help us plan appropriately. 
In a similar vein, Mrs. Finkler is looking for empty cereal boxes. If you have any they will be very much appreciated! 

This week the 5th graders spent a bunch of time in our STEAM lab. Here is a summary from our 5th grade.
"Fifth grade students were placed in cooperative teams and presented with a PLTW problem where they needed to assemble and create a test robot. From there, students then used their knowledge to apply their new robot-building skills in order to create a robot of their own creation that could perform a particular task."

As a STEAM school, I am particularly happy that we have had the benefit of Mrs. Stander bringing Lego League to TPS! Below is information regarding our next Lego League Team opportunities!: 

The FIRST Lego League Challenge program is being run for students entering grades 5th

through 8th this coming fall. It introduces kids to STEM using Legos and Lego robotics. The program focuses on creativity, fun, and teamwork. Each year there is a theme. This year's theme is MASTERPIECE, which is arts-focused. It will explore how to use STEM to better create and communicate art and experiences.  The program is multi-faceted and has three main components: the Robot Challenge, the Innovation Project, and the demonstration of FIRST Core values.

In the FIRST Lego League Challenge program, the kids will
  • Build and program Lego Spike Prime robots to complete autonomous missions.
  • Select a real-world problem related to the yearly theme, do research on it, design a solution to the problem, prototype the solution, and create a presentation. 
  • At the end of the program, they will attend a local tournament, where they will present the research project and compete with other teams on the robot missions. 
Below is a great video that shows a sampling of the robots, projects, and core values of the program. 
If you have a student entering 5th grade, they can choose to participate in the Explore program in the winter or the Challenge program in the fall. If you are uncertain which program is better suited for your child, shoot Jennifer an email at legofirst@js.mxpark.com. 

The program is not just about building and programming robots although it is a significant part. The team benefits when the members have a diverse set of skills and interests. The project component draws heavily on being creative and artistic. Teamwork relies on good communication and leadership. The team needs a variety of talents to be successful. 

The program runs two days a week from after school to 5:00 starting the first week in September to mid-December. The program cost is $150 which includes registration, tournament fees, tee shirts, project materials, incentive prizes, and snacks. If this poses a financial hardship let me know and I could look into scholarship opportunities or small-scale fundraising activities over the summer. 

Jennifer Stander will be coaching the Lego League teams. She is an Electrical Engineer working in the field of Robotics and also an Adjunct Professor at WPI teaching electrical and computer design courses. To help the students reach their goals, it is important to have additional volunteers to help at the meetings. If you are interested in registering your child for the program and/or volunteering, feel free to email Jennifer at legofirst@js.mxpark.com

Team selection will be done at the end of June, if your child wishes to participate please let her know by June 16th.


 Electronic Folder

New: EVO Academy, Field Day T-Shirt Flyer, Wachusett Art Academy

The Look Ahead: 

  • Monday (5/22) 
    • Track meet at Lunenburg
  • Wednesday (5/24) 
    • Track meet: District Championship at WRHS
  • Thursday (5/25) 
    • Talent Show now open to 5th graders
  • Friday (5/26) 
    • Grade 2 Field Trip
    • PTA Bravehearts Game

Upcoming Dates: 

Monday (5/29) No School Memorial Day
Tuesday (5/30) Track meet at home
Wednesday (5/31) Grade 3 Field Trip
Wednesday (5/31) Band Concert at WRHS
Thursday (6/1) Track meet at home
Friday (6/2) TPS Dance
Tuesday (6/6) Grade 4 Field Trip
Wednesday (6/7) Track meet at home 
Thursday (6/8) STEAM Night 
Friday (6/9) Kindergarten Celebration
Saturday (6/10) State Track Meet
Wednesday (6/14) Field Day
Thursday (6/15) Field Day Rain Date
Thursday (6/15) 8th Grade Dance
Friday (6/16) Last Day of Kindergarten
Friday (6/16) 8th Grade Graduation
Monday (6/19) No School Juneteenth
Tuesday (6/20) Incoming K Open House
Wednesday (6/21) K Screening
Wednesday (6/21) 8th grade Field Trip
Thursday (6/22) K Screening 
Friday (6/23) Last Day of School even after snow days


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