May Days!

How did it get to be May so quickly! A new month also means a new reading challenge from Mrs. Dolat. You can find all the materials you need in the electronic folder. An update on participation: 

  • A total of 45 students participated in April!
  • That's a total of 182 books read in April!
  • There were 36 participants in K-5  and 9 MS readers!
  • Here's how it breaks out:
    • Kindy:  8
    • Gr 1:    7
    • Gr 2:    7
    • Gr 3:    3
    • Gr 4:    10
    • Gr 5:    1
    • Gr 6:    9

Thank you to those that attended last Friday's presentation by Peg Dawson. I thought she had a great perspective and great things to share. She also shared with me a copy of her presentation. They can be found here. Thanks again to the PTA for arranging for her presentation! 

The SEPAC has asked to share the following: "Holden Youth Soccer announced that it's expanding its Unified Program to include students 14 and under, in a program that kicks off this weekend May 8th. We are reaching out to you as this is a new program they are starting up based on seeing the need in the past few weeks. This program supports athletes with and without learning or communication differences and fosters meaningful, inclusive opportunities.
It's no cost, and to register they can reach out to Jon-Paul St. Germain  at
While it's sponsored through Holden Youth Soccer, it's open to any child in our area.
Here's a quick breakdown of opportunities.
Saturdays: 4:30p - 5:15p - Unified Team Training - 14 and under - Davis Hill Fields
Saturdays: 5:30-6:30 - Unified Team Training 14 and up - Davis Hill Fields
Sundays: 12-1p TOP Soccer - all ages - Mountview Middle School field"

As we approach the end of the year, it's also a great time to get some feedback from all of you. I'd ask you to take a few minutes to complete this 
survey on how we're doing. My intention is to share the results with the school council on May 15th, so please complete this by Friday, May 12th. 

A note from a few of our WRHS students: "Hello Wachusett Families!! Currently a district wide school supplies donation is being run by four high school students. It will begin the week of 05/07 and will continue until 05/21. We ask that supplies such as pencils, pens, markers and other writing materials still be in their original containers, as well as any notebooks and folders to be clean and unused. All donations will be split throughout the district to support your children’s teachers. If you would like to give a monetary donation you can donate to the Gofundme located Here. Your teachers thank you for any support you are able to give!"
New: The Wizard of Oz performance
Don't forget to buy your tickets to Braveheart's Opening Day!

The Week Ahead: 
  • Monday (5/8) 
    • Town Election at TPS
  • Wednesday (5/10) 
    • Wizard Of Oz
    • Nurse Appreciation Day
  • Thursday (5/11)
    • Track meet at Tyngsboro
  • Friday (5/12) 
    • Wizard of Oz
Upcoming Dates: 
Tuesday (5/16) Science MCAS 5th and 8th
Wednesday (5/17) Half Day of School for PD
Thursday (5/18) Science MCAS 5th and 8th
Friday (5/26) PTA Bravehearts Opening Day
Friday (5/26) Grade 2 Field Trip
Monday (5/29) No School Memorial Day
Wednesday (5/31) Grade 3 Field Trip
Wednesday (5/31) Band Concert at WRHS
Friday (6/2) TPS Dance
Tuesday (6/6) Grade 4 Field Trip
Thursday (6/8) STEAM Night 
Friday (6/9) Kindergarten Celebration
Saturday (6/10) State Track Meet
Wednesday (6/14) Field Day
Thursday (6/15) Field Day Rain Date
Thursday (6/15) 8th Grade Dance
Friday (6/16) Last Day of Kindergarten
Friday (6/16) 8th Grade Graduation
Monday (6/19) No School Juneteenth
Tuesday (6/20) Incoming K Open House
Wednesday (6/21) K Screening
Wednesday (6/21) 8th grade Field Trip
Thursday (6/22) K Screening 
Friday (6/23) Last Day of School even after snow days


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