Spring has sprung!

Today is Jiji Day (celebrating Jiji's 26th birthday!), and fifth graders created origami Jiji's to celebrate! Students in grades K-5 are also participating in the Puzzle Olympics this week to see which classroom can collect the most puzzles in a 26-minute timespan of gameplay on ST Math!

Attention TPS families! The PTA are excited to announce that our new spirit wear is now available for purchase! Show off your school pride with our stylish and comfortable apparel options with an updated logo. Whether you're a student, parent, or staff member, we have something for everyone. Visit our fully online store today to browse our selection and place your order. Hurry, flash sale prices are only available until May 11th!

Summer is coming quickly and there is still work to do and activities to schedule. At the bottom of this blog is a list of already scheduled events. I will keep a running list in chronological order for the rest of the year. This list will also grow as we solidify other dates (I'm looking at you, field day). As we approach the end of the year, it's also a great time to get some feedback from all of you. I'd ask you to take a few minutes to complete this survey on how we're doing. My intention is to share the results with the school council on May 15th, so please complete this by Friday, May 12th. 

New: TPS Talent Show, MontyTech Summer Camp flyer, SpiritWear flyer,

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (5/1) 
    • Woo Sox Mascot at Lunch
  • Tuesday (5/2) 
    • Math MCAS Grades 3-5
    • Track Meet (Clinton) 
  • Wednesday (5/3)
    • Math MCAS Grades 3-5 
  • Thursday (5/4)
    • Math MCAS Grades 6-8
    • Track Meet (Quabbin)
    • PTA Meeting
  • Friday (5/5) 
    • Math MCAS Grades 6-8
    • Kindergarten Field Trip 
Upcoming Dates: 
Monday (5/8) Town Election
Wednesday (5/10) Wizard Of Oz
Friday (5/12) Wizard of Oz
Tuesday (5/16) Science MCAS 5th and 8th
Wednesday (5/17) Half Day of School for PD
Thursday (5/18) Science MCAS 5th and 8th
Friday (5/26) PTA Bravehearts Opening Day
Monday (5/29) No School Memorial Day
Wednesday (5/31) Grade 3 Field Trip
Wednesday (5/31) Band Concert at WRHS
Friday (6/2) TPS Dance
Tuesday (6/6) Grade 4 Field Trip
Thursday (6/8) STEAM Night 
Saturday (6/10) State Track Meet
Thursday (6/15) 8th Grade Dance
Friday (6/16) Last Day of Kindergarten
Friday (6/16) 
Monday (6/19) No School Juneteenth
Tuesday (6/20) Incoming K Open House
Wednesday (6/21) K Screening
Wednesday (6/21) 8th grade Field Trip
Thursday (6/22) K Screening 
Friday (6/23) Last Day of School even after snow days


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