Short Week

Once again, I want to recognize all the PTA does for us at TPS and give you updates on a few of their items. First off, due to nearly a literal ton of snow, our presentation on Executive Functioning by Peg Dawson was postponed. We now plan on having it on Friday, April 28th and the evening presentation venue has changed to right here at TPS. The PTA has also been working with our Student Council to plan a Spirit Week next week. It should break up what can be a monotonous month of March (who doesn't love an alliteration)! 

We wouldn't be able to do some of the great things we can here at TPS without such a supportive community. In this vein, Mrs. Santello is reaching out for support with our Spring courtyard clean-up: 

Dear Thomas Prince Families and Friends,
Spring is almost here and we have some community pitch-in volunteer opportunities coming up! 
Saturday, April 8 is our Bangrazi Courtyard Spring Cleanup and Set-up Date! (Open hours 9-3) 
Come help us assemble and set up raised garden beds, do some painting and clean up, and do a few more weeding/removal jobs left from the fall. Our incredible fall volunteers accomplished wonders, come join us this spring! More info coming soon! Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day! (Open hours 9-3)
We are teaming up with the town’s Environmental Action Committee (EAC link) to get the TPS cleanup done. This will be for the school grounds outside the building including the fields, playground, and if we have enough volunteers, a small section of trail (Connector Trail to Laurel Trail to Circle Trail trail map). This will also be our rain date for the Bangrazi Courtyard cleanup.   More info coming soon! 
Email Elaine Santello at with questions or for more info. Thank you!!

Reminder: Spring Track registration closes on Monday!

New this week: Spirit Week Flyer, April Vacation Skills Camp

The week ahead: 
  • Monday (3/20) 
    • Pajama Day
  • Tuesday (3/21) 
    • Crazy Sock Day
  • Wednesday (3/22) 
    • Sports Day
    • Faculty Council
  • Thursday (3/23) 
    • Student Dress Up/ Staff Dress Down
  • Friday (3/24) 
    • Color Day 
    • Rescheduled Monty Tech Interviews 
    • Fire Department SAFE presentation Grades 2-5 and 8


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