
I wanted to remind everyone that we have Executive functioning guru, Peg Dawson, presenting at the Chocksett auditorium (40 Boutelle Rd,) on Tuesday at 6:00. This is a wonderful topic that has an impact on students (and adults) of all ages. I'm hoping you can make it! 

A note from our Strings teacher Mrs. Haynes:
"Lilly Haynes and Lucia Cranson recently participated in the Central District Junior Festival Auditions. They worked hard and prepared difficult music on their instruments and, on February 4, they played a live solo audition for a judge. Based on their scores at the audition, they were both accepted into the Junior Festival Orchestra! They will represent Thomas Prince School at the Festival on April 29th and play music with strings students from all over Central Massachusetts. Big congratulations to these two for their hard work and for putting TPS strings on the map!"
We're so proud of them for all their efforts! 

"The Wachusett Special Ed Parent Council SEPAC is currently accepting nominations for people who have contributed to your child's life in the last year.  We will be accepting nominations until March 24.  Please enter them here.  The ceremony will be held on Tues, May 16 at 6pm to celebrate all the nominees.  This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of individuals in the lives of children with special needs. Your honoree(s) could be a general education teacher, special education teacher, therapist, aide/ABA, bus driver, coach, doctor/nurse, etc. Each nominee will receive your thoughtful nomination, a certificate of appreciation from the SEPAC, as well as a small token of thanks. Please be sure your nominees are people who have been beneficial all year. Limit of 2 nominees per child (Family Max 4). If you have any questions please direct them in an email to sepac@wrsd.net. Thank you!"

A note from our Art Teacher, Mrs. Finkler: 

"Hello TPS Families,

Thank you all so much for your support with the Square 1 fundraiser.  We raised $1400 for the art studio and were able to purchase so many new art supplies, books about art and different artists, a bookshelf, and a rug.   The students have been having a blast with the new tempera paint cakes and paint sticks.  This week, we have started doing portfolio reviews in preparation for the art show we will host in June.  You may be seeing more art coming home in the coming weeks as the students go through their work.  I am incredibly proud of all they have accomplished so far this year in art."

Speaking of artistic accomplishments, I was able to get up to the Central Office yesterday for a celebration of student art. Our own Emerson (5th grade) had her art on display. It was a great event filled with students, staff, and administrators from around the district all in the celebration of art! 

Are you a proud parent of a TPS Warrior? Now you can let everyone know when you are out driving about. The PTA is selling car magnets that can help you show off your school spirit wherever you drive. 

Electronic Folder

New - Wachusett Youth Football and Cheer, Peg Dawson flyer

The week ahead: 

  • Sunday (3/12)
    • Daylight Savings Time
  • Tuesday (3/14)
    • Peg Dawson Evening presentation - All are welcome! 
    • Pi Day
  • Wednesday (3/15)
    • 1/2 Day PD
  • Thursday (3/16)
    • Spring Pictures in the library
  • Friday (3/17)
    • St. Patrick's Day - a great day to wear green

Looking further ahead - MCAS dates: 

  • 3rd through 5th grades will test on (4/4, 4/5, 5/2, 5/3)
  • 6th through 8th grades will test on (4/11, 4/12, 5/3, 5/4)
  • 5th and 8th will test in Science on (5/16, 5/18) 


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