Out like a lamb

I'm excited to share, I learned an awful lot about ancient Egypt this week. I remember studying this time period when I was in middle school but my resources consisted of a few books and the encyclopedia (I'm aging myself). Leveraging the internet and additional resources, our current 6th graders curated an impressive "Museum" this week. Students from all different grades were allowed to come down and learn about this civilization. I was impressed by the students' depth of knowledge as well as the care and craftsmanship they showed in their creations. When I saw them starting work on this, I never anticipated the outcomes they were able to generate. It was truly a great culminating learning experience. I imagine, even the elementary students came home with some wisdom to share. Also, special this week, we were lucky enough to have the District Attorney's office come down to visit us and present on Bullying and Cyberbullying. The presentation was originally sc...