The PTA!

Our PTA is a hard-working group that has already been a tremendous support to us this year. We spent much of the fall talking about our Fun Run and Boosterthon. I wanted to let you know what those funds go towards. This week, the PTA announced its first round of mini-grant requests. They awarded about a dozen grants amounting to over $2,400. All of these grants went directly into the classrooms across the grade levels, supplementing materials and/or providing resources for science experiments. There were many smiling teacher faces in the building as these grants were announced. In the vein of grant discussions, the PTA has been awarded a $1,500 grant from the Princeton Cultural Council for our Library rejuvenation project! Their poinsettia sale was a great success with the added bonus of donations being made to brighten up our entryway. Thanks to all who donated! If you'd like to know more about what they are doing you can become a member and get their regular communication. The last newsletter can be found here

And finally, you should be hearing about the Holiday Shop. Each class will take some time to go down and shop for gifts for whatever holiday they celebrate. Items are fairly inexpensive, ranging from $2 to $6, and the whole idea behind the shop is to give students an opportunity to think of others. If you have any financial difficulties that we can help with please don't hesitate to reach out. We would like to give every student the opportunity to purchase something if so desired. 

As we enter cold/flu/stomach bug season, absences are creeping up again. We encourage you to keep your student home if they are sick. We are also encouraging staff to stay home and not spread illnesses. With this comes the need for substitutes. Have your days started becoming mundane, boring, or too quiet? Looking to pick and choose some days to add some fun and excitement to your schedule? Would you like to help support your local school with the gift of time? If you answered any of these questions with "maybe" we should talk! You do not need to be a certified educator or have the experience to be a substitute. We can work with you to match you to positions you feel comfortable with and can train you if you feel the need. Consider substituting at TPS. You can learn more and apply here, or reach out to me and I am happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Electronic Folder

Look Ahead: 

  • Monday (12/12) 
    • PTA Holiday Shop
    • Library Meeting (6:00)
  • Tuesday (12/13) 
    • PTA Holiday Shop
    • 8th Grade Dance Committee Meeting
  • Thursday (12/15) 
    • Monty Tech VIP
  • Friday (12/16) 
    • Middle School Dance
Looking Way Ahead: 
  • Wednesday (2/1) 
    • TPS Band and String Concert


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