Short week, long weekend

The weekly communication is out today because we will not have school tomorrow in honor of Veteran's day. We would like to thank all the veterans, especially those in our community, who have offered their service to our country. The PTA has continued what I think is a really nice tradition, of hanging images of our heroes in the cafeteria. To the right is an image of these. Please remember them tomorrow.   

Even though we were only in school for 3 days there is still learning to celebrate. The 6th grade has completed a unit on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Below is their sharing of the unit.  

"The sixth graders have been enjoying their short story unit in ELA. Recently, we wrapped up our study of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. At the beginning of our study of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the students used the map skills learned in geography to draw illustrated maps of Sleepy Hollow.  They did a fabulous job!
One of the major areas of focus for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was characterization. The sixth graders learned about the different methods authors use to develop the personalities of their characters, and applied that learning to analyze the ways in which Washington Irving characterized the major characters in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. As part of this learning, the students participated in a Life-Size Character group project and an independent Character Pumpkin Project. Check it out!"

A note from Mrs. Finkler in the art room: 

Hello Families,

Coming home to you soon will be your child's custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser. Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you like! 
Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter the state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order!
Order by:  12/1/2022
Upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload!
If you have questions or need anything at all, contact customer care online.
Thank you for supporting our school!
Melissa Finkler
Congratulations to all of our runners on a successful season. A special congratulations to our girl's cross-country team who won the state championship on Saturday! Outstanding! 

Electronic Folder

The Week Ahead: 

  • Friday (11/18) 
    • Wingmaster presentation courtesy of the PTA


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