
It was a wonderful week here at TPS! We kicked it off with celebrations and learning throughout the building on Monday. I don't know anyone who left Monday's costume parade without a smile on their face. From the TPS marching band leading us around the building to our littlest students learning how to "parade wave," it was a blast. I think my favorite part, though, was seeing the older kids supporting our younger ones, giving high fives, and complimenting costumes. It was a great community event. Throughout the building, there were fun happenings. In 5th grade they disected owl pellets - they told me they were disinfected pellets but I still encouraged everyone to wash their hands! 4th grade was another great example where they were scientists rotating through 5 stations exploring density, weight, measurement, comparison, and observation of physical properties. The hands on learning with an assortment of pumpkins were enjoyed by all! 

A note from Mrs. DiFonso: 

Keepin' Up with the Warriors! We have created a TPS Instagram account to share what is happening in the classroom and at Thomas Prince! Follow us: @tpswarriors ! You can also follow me at @mrsdifonso on Twitter or Ace at @ace_thompson on Twitter! We will eventually be creating a Facebook page to share the wonderful learning our students are doing, but for now, enjoy our #WeAreTPS posts on Insta! 

The PTA corner: 

With Veteran's Day coming up soon, we would like to celebrate all of the veteran service members that have connections to the TPS community. If you have a photo that you would like included on the bulletin board, please print one out and send it to school. Please note that photos will not be able to be returned and plan accordingly. Send in a COPY. 

While I'm mentioning the PTA, I would like to thank them for the luncheon on our half day! The staff were full and happy heading to PD or conferences. Check out this spread! Did I mention Olive Garden bread sticks? It meant more than you may ever know.  

And finally, PTA flyers for their Poinsettia drive will be coming home but can also be found in the electronic folder. 

New: Poinsettia flyer, Interface Flyer

The week ahead: 
  • Monday (11/7) 
    • Kindergarten conferences
  • Tuesday (11/8) 
    • No School - Election Day
  • Wednesday (11/9) 
    • SEPAC Meeting
    • 1st grade conferences
  • Thursday (11/10) 
    • 2nd grade conferences
  • Friday (11/11) 
    • No School - Veteran's Day


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