
This week and this time of year are all about being thankful. It's a time of reflection. I am thankful to be here at TPS. Thankful for the excellent staff I get to work with every day. For the children that make me smile. For the supportive families who clearly value the work being done in the building. I think we are all thankful for the PTA and all they do. They recently reopened the mini-grant process for staff. And who can forget the first assemblies we've had in a few years. The Wingmaster assembly was a great opportunity to have a shared experience in grades K through 8. Obviously, the presentation was tailored a little for different age groups. Please continue to support the PTA however you can. Speaking of the PTA, please remember that the poinsettia orders are due the Monday we return from Thanksgiving break (11/28). Feel free to share this with family and friends at your holiday gatherings. We wrapped up our week with our first maybe annual TPS Macy's day parade...