
It was a week of returns! We started with a personal highlight of mine, the return of the library! Thanks to Jessie Trowbridge and her small army of volunteers, I was able to watch huge smiles as students returned to the library. We started the week with the 3rd graders and it wasn't until we saw the 2nd graders that we realized they may have never used the space as a library. The space was used as a gym throughout the pandemic. Kids learned about how to find books they're interested in and every student that visited took one or two books home with them. If your child didn't get one, please don't fear. The other half of the school will be visiting next week. Moving forward, students will visit the library every other week. 7th and 8th graders will visit at their own leisure. The next step is to add to our collection. The PTA has already earmarked some funds for this very purpose. 

Another return this week was our Trail Guide program. As seen in the picture, students in grades 5 through 8 joined Clair Degutis on the trails behind the school. Many years ago the school, in conjunction with Wachusett Meadow created those trails. In 2015, after the passing of a beloved/involved teacher (Joann Blum), an Annual Field Day was established. Each year, with a hiatus during COVID, these students are trained as guides. These students will learn about the trail system and local flora and impart their newfound knowledge to the lower grades in the Spring. 

As you may or may not know, the district has been doing work around how to respond to a potential violent intruder. It is a sad state of affairs that we have to think about these things but, better to think/prepare and never need to act than not to be prepared if something were to happen. We have started the process of training staff in ALICE, a dynamic and research based response to these types of events. Here at TPS, the Princeton Police and Fire Departments provided an overview at our staff meeting this month. The district has also procured online training for everyone. Our next step, is to share with all of you what ALICE looks like before we even think about introducing the concept to children. An online resource for parents can be found here. While this is a somber topic for all ages, the idea of talking to our youngest students is particularly difficult. For parents of younger students, this is a link to a YouTube read aloud of a book we plan to use. I have asked the PTA to allow me some time at their next meeting (11/1) to answer questions about ALICE so I would encourage you to attend if you'd like to learn more or have questions. The Princeton Police Department will also try to be there. 

A Note from Mrs. DiFonso

Calling all Parents! Just in case you missed it a few weeks ago...
I am excited to announce that we are working hard to bring back some after school activities for our TPS Warriors! I met with Jaime Greenland (Princeton Rec Director) to get the ball rolling on getting some afterschool activities planned and organized for all ages here at TPS. Is there something you would be excited to offer? Is there a hobby that you have that you'd want to share with the TPS students? Is there someone you know that would love to offer a course?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, we want to hear about it!  Maybe you love baking, lego robotics, art, books, crafting, model building, a specific sport, chess, math or science! Share this interest with the kids! Since the rec department will be helping to facilitate these offerings, there will be/can be payment for your time! 
If you are interested in offering a class/course, please email Jaime ( the following information:  Course Title and description, age group you'd like included, length of course (by weeks), time of course (ie/ 3:00-4:15) and estimated budget.   I am really excited and cannot wait to see what kinds of fun we can bring back to the kids!  Thanks Princeton Recreation & Jaime!

Electronic Folder (Nothing new to report) 

The Week Ahead:

  • Monday (10/24) 
    • Monty Tech tour for 8th graders
  • Tuesday (10/25) Cross Country District Championship
  • Friday (10/28) 
    • Wear orange and black


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