Long weekend ahead!

This morning, our K through 2nd-grade students had the privilege of seeing "You Have Arrived!", a one-person show that used the mesmerizing medium of a dynamic large-scale pop-up book and simple yet visually captivating puppetry. The show invited students to experience the profound transformation of our landscapes, echoing the silent yet powerful stories of displacement and resilience happening throughout the globe. The program was provided in conjunction with the Princeton Town Library and through a generous donation from the Kathryn A. Bisk Enrichment Fund. Mr. Bisk has been working with the Town library to provide extension opportunities for young children in his late wife, Kathryn's name. This year we worked together to make sure the impact was that much greater! I'm so happy our students had the chance to have this fun learning experience. 

It's hard to believe but winter sports is upon us! If you have a Middle School boy interested in

Basketball please sign up here by 11/20. We will not take players who register after the 20th. Tryouts will be on December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th from 3:00-5:00 PM. The roster will be posted Thursday morning on the 5th with rostered players reporting to practice that afternoon. Registration fees will be due at that time. We plan to have 13 players and 2 practice players/team managers. Tryouts will be closed to parents/guardians to avoid undue pressure on the student-athletes. The season will conclude on 2/14. Interested students should work on dribbling, shooting, and running over the next couple of weeks before tryouts. 

Surveying students, there was not enough interest from girls to form a basketball team. However, there was interest in Cheerleading. I have been searching for a coach. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested please reach out. I would like to have this group up and running for December. 

Electronic Folder

Kids Hike
Stuff a Cruiser Toy Drive
7th and 8th grade WRHS Open House

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (11/11) 
    • No School - Veteran's Day
  • Tuesday (11/12) Day C
    • Little Spark Grades 3/4 during art (Courtesy of the PTA)
    • TPS Library Volunteer Meeting at 5:30
  • Wednesday (11/13) Day D
  • Thursday (11/14) Day A
    • K Field Trip to the Library
    • Little Spark Grades 3/4 during art (Courtesy of the PTA)
    • Safety Forum at 5:30 
  • Friday (11/15) Day B
    • Kindergarten Hike



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