Happy Long Weekend!

It has been so great to see parents coming in and meeting with staff about their children! The connection between home and school is critical in student learning. As is the students' awareness that we are all working in concert for them. Finally, when parents make time for conferences, it signals to students that the work they do here is important. These are all the messages we want our students to have. Thank you. It is great to be a partner in their learning. 

A Note from Mrs. DiFonso

This week, we welcomed a new addition to our TPS playground!  We now have a Buddy Bench! Last year, the TPS PBIS Committee was looking for ways to promote building relationships and friendships in school.  The addition of a Buddy Bench will allow students to make new friends, identify a classmate who may not have a peer to play with, and encourage empathy and belonging. The location of the bench is perfect, too, right near the play structure! A special thanks goes out to our PTA who funded this project, the Select Board that approved the work and the Princeton DPW who installed the bench! I'd also like to thank the staff on the PBIS Committee who are always looking out for our TPS Warriors. 

We will plan to have our annual costume parade on 10/31 again this year. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will be led around the building by our Middle School marching band starting at 9:00. The parade is brief, we are a small school, so no need to take the whole day off of work if you plan to attend. I hear the 8th-grade parents will be there raising money for their students at the end-of-the-year celebration selling coffee and treats. 
If your student has beliefs that inhibit participation in this event, please let me know and we will plan an alternate activity for them or excuse an absence. The parade will begin at the bus lobby doors and take a right to circle the building before reentering at the same doors. The band always does a nice job with their musical accompaniment so I can't wait to hear what they have in store for us this year!  
A reminder about costumes, we are a K to 8 school. To this end, what is cool in 8th grade may be scary in kindergarten. Students should not have costumes with excessive gore. Nor are simulated weapons allowed. We should also be able to recognize students so face masks are not allowed. Inflatable costumes will be a struggle in the classroom so we ask that these be left at home as well unless a student plans to only wear it for the parade. And finally, let's have some fun with this! 

The Week Ahead: 

  • Monday (10/14) 
    • No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Tuesday (10/15) Day A 
    • Cross Country Meet @ Paxton
  • Wednesday (10/16) Day B
  • Thursday (10/17) Day C
    • Picture Retakes
    • PTA presents "Ivy and Bean" 
      • K,1,2 - 12:00-1:00
      • 3,4 - 1:00-2:00
  • Friday (10/18) Day D
    • Kindergarten Hike


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