Full swing!

The beginning of the year has been dominated by new curricula. This past year, the district committed to investing in High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) across content areas and grade levels. I've spent much of the last two weeks getting into classrooms to see specifically how our new elementary reading program is going. Into Reading is a literacy program steeped in research and best practices. It is a robust program and all the classes have allocated 90 minutes daily for this instruction. Teachers have been trained and have begun the implementation. A new program like this is not an easy lift but I have been impressed by all our teachers as they work through it. The kids have been doing great with the adjustment and I can't wait to see what it looks like as everyone gets into the flow. It's a strong commitment by our district and our teachers to make sure we are giving all our students the best materials and instruction for success! 

An update on our beautiful garden behind the building. Come out back, outside of school hours, to see the updated and relocated Lisa's Pollinator Garden. The beautiful flowers and hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, bees, flower flies, and beetles are here to greet you! Ask your student how many flowers they know by name or how many pollinators they can name. Draw or write what they see and leave your work at the TPS Pollinator Posterboard by our front office. Volunteers are putting together a TPS Pollinator Book! 

I'd like to welcome Christine Rayner who will be joining our TPS team next week. She is our new Adjustment Counselor and will be popping in and out of classrooms. Christine joins us after several years as an adjustment counselor in Gardener. I'm not sure anyone is happier to have her here than me!

A shout out to our wonderful PTA that started our week off right with a visit from Flying High Dogs on Monday morning. The interactive program incorporated students and  staff but the dogs stole the show and our hearts. They zipped around the field catching frisbees and doing assorted tricks. Thank you TPS PTA! 

You should have received an email from the district today in regarding our 3rd through 5th grade SEL survey (Panorama). Starting in October, students in these grades will complete a short survey to inform our school about students' perceptions of their competencies, perceptions of SEL supports, and their environment. The survey is widely used across the nation.  If you'd like to review or learn more about this survey you can find the information here. If you'd like to opt your child out of this survey please do so by 5:00 pm on September 27th through this link. Any additional questions can be directed to Maria Letasz (Director of Student Support) at maria_letasz@wrsd.net or (508) 829-1670 ext. 253.  

The Electronic Folder

The Week Ahead: 

  • Saturday (9/14) 
  • Monday (9/16) Day A
  • Tuesday (9/17) Day B
  • Wednesday (9/18) Day C
    • Cross Country Meet at Home
  • Thursday (9/19) Day D
    • Field Hockey at Chocksett
  • Friday (9/20) Day A
    • Cross Country Meet at Home


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