Celebrations and Goodbyes

This week was full of celebrations and the start of goodbyes. However, it was dominated by our farewell celebrations for our 8th graders! Regardless of whether the student has been with us for 6 months or 9 years, they have become family. On Wednesday, we celebrated with a Commencement at the High School. A special thank you to the parent volunteers who decorated and to the PTA for a banner that will surely become a staple at events to come. There were awards, certificates, and a ton of smiles. We followed it up on Thursday by "clapping out" our 8th graders before they attended their semi-formal dance at Harrington Farms. Again, this was made possible by the 8th-grade parent planning committee and their fundraising. And finally, today, the 8th graders attended Six Flags! What a week! This class will definitely be missed! 

It wasn't all about 8th grade though. On Wednesday, we also said goodbye for the summer to our youngest learners, the kindergarten. We sent them off in style thanks to Mrs. McDonald's efforts in planning and implementing a super fun field day that had something for everyone. This is no small feat for a K-8 school. Thanks also, to our 6th graders who created and managed our field games, and our student volunteers who painted faces. I cannot forget to thank the parents who came out and supported the fun as well. The bounce house was epic! And I think we may have started a new tradition with our Mario Kart tricycle race. I can't wait until next year's field day! 

A note from Nurse Karina: 

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, here are some reminders from the Health Office:

  • All medications must be picked up by an adult at the end of the school year. If possible, please let me know if you will be coming prior to picking up the medication(s) so that I can have everything prepared.

  • All medication orders must be renewed each school year. New Medication orders and medication should be brought in the day before or on the first day of school. Students are not allowed to transport medications to school with the exception of EpiPens or rescue inhalers that a student carries in their backpack.  Nurses must be notified of any self-carry medications. Medication order forms can be downloaded off the school website using the Health Services tab.

  • ALL medications administered at school must have a physician's order and parental permission. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications. Please see the medication policy on the school website.        

  • All students must be fully immunized by the first day of school.  The only exceptions are written documentation from a doctor for medical exemptions or a written document stating that due to religious beliefs, your child has not been vaccinated. The exemption forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. 

  • Students entering the 4th grade and 7th grade must have an updated physical and immunization record on file in the health office.  Please send these updated documents in as soon as they become available to you.

Please call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. (978)464-5507 karina_abbascia@wrsd.net

The FIRST Lego League Challenge program is being run for students entering grades 5th through 8th this coming fall. It introduces kids to STEM using legos and lego robotics. The program focuses on creativity, fun and teamwork. Each year there is a theme. This year's theme is SUBMERGED, which focuses on the ocean. The program is multi-faceted and has three main components: the Robot Challenge, the Innovation Project and demonstration of FIRST Core values.

In the FIRST Lego League Challenge program the kids will
  • Build and program Lego Spike Prime robots to complete autonomous missions.
  • Select a real world problem related to the yearly theme, do research on it, design a solution to the problem, prototype the solution and create a presentation. 
  • At the end of the program they will attend a local tournament, where they will present the research project and compete with other teams on the robot missions. 

Below is a great video that shows a sampling of the robots, projects and core values of the program. 
The program is not just about building and programming robots although it is a significant part. The team benefits when the members have a diverse set of skills and interests. The project component draws heavily on being creative and artistic. Teamwork relies on good communication and leadership. The team needs a variety of talents to be successful. 

The program runs two days a week from after school to 5:00 starting the first week in September to mid December. The program cost is $160 which includes registration, tournament fees, tee shirts, project materials, incentive prizes and snacks. If this poses a financial hardship let me know, the fee can be waived or reduced. 

Jennifer Stander will be coaching the Lego League teams. She is an Electrical Engineer working in the field of Robotics and also an Adjunct Professor at WPI teaching electrical and computer design courses. To help the students reach their goals, it is important to have additional volunteers to help at the meetings. If you are interested in registering your child for the program and/or volunteering, feel free to email Jennifer at legofirst@js.mxpark.com

Team selection will be done at the end of June, if your child wishes to participate please let her know by June 18th.

The electronic folder

New: Potential Biatholon exploration

The Day and a Half Ahead: 

  • Monday (6/17) Day C
    • Grade 4 Celebration of Learning - students only
  • Tuesday (6/18) Day D
    • Last Day of School 11:55 Dismissal - Step-Up Day



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