May 17th

As we begin to wind down the year, I have seen some gifts rolling in for staff. I think I speak for everyone in the building when I write that we love being thought of. My personal favorite is the kid-made cards and items. I bring it up because we are technically municipal employees. Conflict of Interest Law states that we cannot accept gifts or gratuities valued at $50 or more. A number of smaller gifts together worth $50 or more may also violate this law. I wanted to make sure everyone was aware and avoid staff needing to have awkward conversations or complete additional paperwork due to gifts. 

Looking ahead to next year, we are already thinking about our Lego League team. See the following information courtesy of our coach Jen Stander:
"The FIRST Lego League Challenge program is being run for students entering grades 5th through 8th
this coming fall. It introduces kids to STEM using legos and lego robotics. The program focuses on creativity, fun and teamwork. Each year there is a theme. This year's theme is SUBMERGED, which focuses on the ocean. The program is multi-faceted and has three main components: the Robot Challenge, the Innovation Project and demonstration of FIRST Core values.
In the FIRST Lego League Challenge program the kids will:
  • Build and program Lego Spike Prime robots to complete autonomous missions.
  • Select a real-world problem related to the yearly theme, do research on it, design a solution to the problem, prototype the solution and create a presentation. 
  • At the end of the program they will attend a local tournament, where they will present the research project and compete with other teams on the robot missions. 
Below is a great video that shows a sampling of the robots, projects and core values of the program. 
The program is not just about building and programming robots although it is a significant part. The team benefits when the members have a diverse set of skills and interests. The project component draws heavily on being creative and artistic. Teamwork relies on good communication and leadership. The team needs a variety of talents to be successful. 
The program runs two days a week from after school to 5:00 starting the first week in September to mid December. The program cost is a $160 which includes registration, tournament fees, tee shirts, project materials, incentive prizes and snacks. If this poses a financial hardship let me know, the fee can be waived or reduced. 
Jennifer Stander will be coaching the Lego League teams. She is an Electrical Engineer working in the field of Robotics and also an Adjunct Professor at WPI teaching electrical and computer design courses. To help the students reach their goals, it is important to have additional volunteers to help at the meetings. If you are interested in registering your child for the program and/or volunteering, feel free to email Jennifer at
Team selection will be done at the end of June, if your child wishes to participate please let her know by June 14th."

A note from the Nurse's Office: 
TPS will be conducting the annual
Postural Screening for grades 5-8 during gym classes the week of 5/28-5/31. If a make-up day is required on any screening day, the postural screening will be held in gym class the following week. 
The purpose of this screening is to detect early signs of possible spinal problems in children. It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify young people who should have a further medical evaluation. If your child has any unusual findings, a notice will be sent home asking you to bring your child to a physician as a precaution. If nothing unusual is found, you will not be contacted.
Preparation: Students may wear a two-piece swimsuit or halter top/sports bra underneath their regular clothing on the day of the screening. This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back. 
Opt-Out of the Screening Program: If you wish to exclude your child from the postural screening, please provide documentation that your child was screened by their physician and either complete the note linked here stating you wish to have your child opt out of the screening or email

Electronic Folder

TPS at the Bravehearts! Wachusett Meadow Camp, Lego League,

Looking Ahead: 

  • Monday (5/20) Day D
  • Tuesday (5/21) Day A
    • Track Meet (Lunenburg) 
  • Wednesday (5/22) Day B
    • District Track Meet
  • Thursday (5/23) Day C
    • K-4 Field Trip
  • Friday (5/24) Day D
    • Memorial Day presentation by PFD
    • MS Spring Fling Dance
  • Sunday (5/26) 
    • TPS Chorus at Princeton Memorial Day Parade
  • Monday (5/27) No School - Memorial Day
  • Tuesday (5/28) Community Planting Day for the Pollinator Garden 9-12am and 3-6pm
  • Wednesday (5/29) Band/Chorus/Strings Concert at WRHS
    • Kindergarten Celebration
  • Thursday (5/30) Track Meet - WRHS
  • Friday (5/31) 5th grade KNEX Challenge
  • Saturday (6/1) State Track Meet
  • Tuesday (6/4) Grade 6 Field Trip
  • Wednesday (6/5) STEAM Night Staff Meeting
  • Thursday (6/6) STEAM Night
  • Friday (6/7) Family Movie Night
  • Tuesday (6/11) Town Meeting
    • Grade 6 Egpyt Museum
    • 4th grade Field Trip (this is the rescheduled date)
  • Wednesday (6/12) Last day for Kindergarten
    • Field Day
    • 8th Grade Graduation
  • Thursday (6/13) New Kindergarten Open House
    • 8th Grade Dance
  • Friday (6/14) 8th Grade Six Flags Trip (more info to follow) 
  • Monday (6/17) Grade 4 Celebration of Learning - students only
  • Tuesday (6/18) Last Day of School 11:55 Dismissal


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