Leaping into March!

Mrs. Dolat is at it again this month with her reading challenge. Check out the electronic folder for the March reading challenge as well as the MS challenge! 
TPS Reading Challenge Update from Mrd. D
We had 88 students from K-5 participate in the challenge for the month of February! That is a total of 264 books read by K-5 students just for the challenge!  In Middle School, we had 7 students participate and they read a total of 9 great books! While I'd love to see more 6-8th graders participating, it's great to have some middle schoolers reading with me this month!  Participation prizes for February will be distributed next week. The K-5 monthly raffle winner for the month is Parker Bottomley & the raffle winner for middle school is Brynn Cranson. Their prizes will be given out next week as well! A big shout out to the PTA for providing the prizes!
Looking ahead to March, the new forms will be passed out to students next week. K-5 students are encouraged to read books about magical settings, dragons and listen to audiobooks this month! Middle school students can join the Google Classroom for the challenge to find the book bingo board and send me messages about any books they read. Digital copies of the student forms are available in the electronic folder!  I hope to see more readers join the fun in the next four weeks! (Join code for MS ncnwrfp)

This week we were lucky to have a visit from Jiji! I imagine the elementary students came home talking about this penguin walking through the cafeteria and were met with some disbelief. They were telling the truth. TPS has been lucky to be afforded the opportunity to implement ST Math for the last few years. This visual online math instructional program allows students to use their spatial-temporal reasoning skills to develop a conceptual knowledge of math. The kids love it and the mascot, Jiji the penguin. Jiji entered the cafeteria with cheers, high-fives, and hugs! 
This week we celebrated Leap Day! Thank you to the PTA who provided cute frogs to help us "Leap" into the day. Throughout the building, classes celebrated this special day that only comes every four years. And of course, the 8th graders "celebrated" with the NAEP assessment. It may not have been as special for them. 

Next week, we open up the registration for 5th-8th Track and Field. The registration will be open on Monday with a firm deadline of Friday the 22nd. The season will begin on Monday, April 1st. Practices normally occur daily but the coach is flexible recognizing that many students have other commitments from time to time. You can review his recruitment letter in the electronic folder here. It looks like the groundhog knew what he was doing and spring is on its way. It should be a great season!  

For those interested in Baseball and Softball, we don't have enough students to field a team. However, TPS students are invited to join the Chocksett teams. You can register here starting at 5:00 today. They don't have start dates yet as they await field availability but do anticipate having indoor practices leading up to the season. 

Looking ahead: 

  • Monday (3/4) Day C
    • Community Reader Day
  • Tuesday (3/5) 
    • Election Day - No School for students - PD for staff
  • Wednesday (3/6) Day D
  • Thursday (3/7) Day A
    • WRHS 8th Grade Parents Night (6:00-7:30)
  • Friday (3/8) Day B


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