Happy Friday!

This morning we completed our first ALICE (violent intruder) drill of the school year. The safety of this building and everyone in it is a primary concern. We must do these to allow students and staff to develop muscle memory and practice making important decisions in the moment. Everyone did an amazing job! Rooms that evacuated did so quickly and quietly. Rooms that went into lockdown did an amazing job as well. We are so appreciative of the Princeton Police and Fire Departments and their support. The students and staff did a great job in the drill. I continue to schedule these with the hope that we never need to use them for real.    

Middle School Families: We have enough interest that it seems we will be able to have a boys' basketball team once again. Sign-ups are online and will remain up until midnight on Tuesday, 11/14. The team will practice daily from 3:00-5:00 with tryouts/practices beginning when we return from Thanksgiving (11/27). Payment is not required until the team is made. Any girls interested in playing basketball this year can sign up to join Chocksett in Sterling here once it is posted. Last year, we had a few girls join the team there and they won the district championship! 

"We still need volunteers in the TPS Library! Our slots with the greatest need are any day of the week between 10:30 and 12:40, and we can often accommodate parents who want (or don't want) to help out in their child's class. Contact Jessie (jessie.trowbridge@gmail.com)to learn more about getting started!"

Last call for PTA Poinsettias

REMINDER: Veteran's Day Photo Collage, 
deadline extended
With Veteran's Day coming up soon, we would like to celebrate all of the veteran service members that have connections to the TPS community. If you have a photo that you would like included in the photo collage, we are extending the deadline to MONDAY!
We are changing the format this year and WILL return copies (only if you specify), or you can email a digital copy to us and we will print it for you! Email tpsprincetonpta@gmail.com. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to show your Veteran’s Day pride at TPS!
School Dismissal Manager Reminders! 
  • Please remember that we have a 1:00 cutoff for changes to dismissal. 
  • If your child has been in Cross Country, remember to cancel the exception. 

Electronic Folder 

November Letter Day Calendar, Toys for Tots, 911 updates

The week ahead: 
  • Sunday (11/5) 
    • End of Daylight Savings Time
  • Monday (11/6) Day C
  • Tuesday (11/7) Day D
    • Election Day
  • Wednesday (11/8) Day A
    • 8th grade Band Trip
  • Thursday (11/9) Day B
  • Friday (11/10) 
    • No School - Veteran's Day Observance


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