Sneaking into Thanksgiving week!

It was a joyous day at TPS today! We kicked off the day with our TPS Thanksgiving parade. Led by Cruiser, the parade meandered through the halls. 8th grade followed behind Cruiser and passed out notes of gratitude. 3rd grade was right behind them with Balloons over Broadway. And finally, the 6th grade came through with capstone projects around their learning so far this year. The route was lined with students sharing signs of gratitude and parents with big smiles. Several other grades completed parade float STEAM projects. Notably, 2nd graders coded robots to run a short route without bumping into things. Also, 5th grade had an opportunity to participate in the Third Annual Balloons Over Broadway experience! Students had the chance to create a parade balloon, write a descriptive writing piece from the point of view of said balloon, and lastly, participate in a cooperative learning STEAM activity. Students were tasked with trying to keep their balloon afloat using vario...