Spring is in the Air

This week we successfully completed the MCAS ELA in grades 3 through 8! I was so proud of our students. They all worked hard and persevered through some long days. I try to remind them that it's only important that they do their best and that it is a measure of how we teach them. I'm also proud of our staff that have supported them. Believe it or not, proctoring these assessments is truly exhausting. We are now done with MCAS until May. 

A note from Mrs. Santello:
For the Bangrazi Courtyard cleanup: Come help us clean up the Bangrazi Courtyard between the hours of 9 and 3 tomorrow, Saturday April 8!

For the Earth Day cleanup: 
This year will be Princeton's fourth annual town-wide Earth Month cleanup. This month-long event is organized by the Town's Open Space and Environmental Action Committees. 
On Saturday, April 22, join the Town of Princeton and our own Thomas Prince Community to clean up our school grounds and trails. 9am, see you there! Please email tpsearthmonthcleanup@gmail.com to sign up so the facilitators know how many to plan for. Thank you!* Here is a webpage with more information about the Earth Month Cleanup:https://www.town.princeton.ma.us/open-space-committee/pages/yearly-princeton-earth-month-cleanup
And with our new month comes a new reading challenge courtesy of our Mrs. Dolat. She has updated her book suggestion shelves and her website with printable resources. A few data points to share: 
  • 51 TPS community members participated! 
  • 50 students and 1 staff member
  • Collectively we read 244 books this past month!
Our K-4 students are killing it!
Kindy = 6 students
Gr 1 = 7 students
Gr 2 = 12 students
Gr 3 = 8 students
Gr 4 = 17 students
Staff = 1
This a reminder for our students in the upper grades that there are great picture books, graphic novels, and audiobooks that all count for the challenge! They do not need to finish 5 long novels to join in the fun! If any older kids are interested in exploring the Library Libby app to access free ebooks and audiobooks - send them to Mrs. Dolat! She's happy to help!

Congrats to all who participated!

We've also been getting questions about how to sign up for the Worcester BraveHearts reading challenge. I am including the link here. Don't miss out on some free tickets!

I can't believe I am typing this but as the weather turns warm, we start thinking about next Fall. We will be starting the placement process in the elementary school soon. As is the district policy and best practice, we solicit information from parents in the process. I must remind you though that we are not always able to honor requests as our goal is to develop balanced classrooms and we have limited rooms to place kids. This year, we are accepting feedback on the placement process through this form. We will close the form on April 28th.

New: Princeton Takes over the WooSox, April Reading Challenge, Last call for EVO April camp, Bravehearts

The Week Ahead:
  • Saturday (4/8)
    • Bangrazi Courtyard cleanup
  • Monday (4/10)
    • School Council
  • Tuesday (4/11)
    • Lego Celebration
  • Wednesday (4/12)
    • Report Cards Posted
  • Thursday (4/13)
    • Trail Day
    • Track Meet @ Lunenburg
Save the Date: TPS at the Brave Hearts!
Last Day of Kindergarten - Friday (6/16) 
Last Day of School - Friday (6/23)


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