February is here!

Next week is National School Counselor week and we are fortunate to have two wonderful counselors here at TPS. Alina Budrys is our Adjustment Counselor who works here 5 days per week. Beth Foley is our School Psychologist (better known as Lady the therapy dog's owner) who works here on Thursdays and Fridays. These two professionals support the social emotional learning of the building and are tremendous resources for the staff. If you or your child has had interactions with them, I'd encourage you to reach out and thank them for all their work. 

Wednesday was our dress like a book character day hosted by our PTA. We had some great characters in the building. You can see a sampling on our Instagram account (@TPSWarriors). 

We enjoyed tremendous success with our January book challenge! Overall we had 71 students participate and over 384 books read in the month! You can find this month's flyer in the electronic folder and additional resources on the Book Challenge website

This week, the state released school report cards. You will learn more about this in the Superintendents' communication but I wanted to share the direct link to TPS report. Our school continues to perform well on MCAS as highlighted in the 97th% on the accountability measure. 

I'm excited to report that we hosted a concert on Wednesday. Our band and strings performed in front of a packed house and sounded wonderful! It's been amazing to watch the growth of these musicians throughout the year. I hope they are all proud of the performance they put on this week! 

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming up! Students will be able to visit during the school day the week of February 13th. Community nights will be held on February 13th and the 16th, from 4pm-6pm. Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account! Any questions, please email tpsprincetonpta@gmail.com
Josh Funk will be presenting to students on the creative writing process, using his Coding book series, on Friday, February 10th! If you'd like Josh to sign your personal copy of any of his books, please send it in at any time next week with a sticky note inside the cover indicating your student's name, grade, and teacher.
New: Girl Scout Science of Snow, Reading Challenge, PTA Baseball Fundraiser

Week Ahead:
  • Friday (2/10)
    • Author Visit/Book Fair Preview


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