Time flies
Welcome to Eileen Donahue who will serve as our interim Assistant Princpal for the remainder of the year. Mrs. Donahue started on Wednesday this week and has already been visible and introduced herself to students and staff alike. She joins us as a veteran assistant princiapl most recently serving in an interim role up at WRHS. She was so well liked and respected there that we jumped at the opportunity to have her join us for the remainder of the year. For students in grades 5-8, Track and field sign-ups has been posted ! Registration will remain open through the 21st with practices beginning on 3/31. A note from the Town Administrator: Community Heart and Soul Kick-Off Meeting Please join us on Thursday, March 6th at 6:30 PM at the Thomas Prince School for the Community Heart and Sould Kick-off Meeting. The Community Heart and Soul project is a resident- driven processthat engages residents in identigying what they love most about their community, what future they wan...