
Showing posts from January, 2024

Think Spring?

The weather has been crazy and winter is definitely here but believe it or not, this is also the time we start to think about Spring. To this end, I have a few notes:  For 5th through 8th graders: Coach Pistrang is already starting the recruiting process for Spring Track and Field. For those who don't know him, he's been coaching TPS cross country and track and field for over 20 years and his teams are responsible for several banners hanging in our gymnasium. Track and Field is a great way for kids to get involved and be active. There isn't a ton of pressure to perform and Coach does a great job of encouraging kids to progress and improve against their own standards. But don't read it from me, read his own words here .  In keeping with the theme, we have a wonderful partnership with the Town Open Space Committee and they're already thinking about Spring access to our trail system. Here is Mrs. Santello (Kindergarten teacher and building lead) to share more: Dear TPS...

Winter is here!

The week started off a bit dicey with the weather, but ended much more smoothly. I want to thank you all for your support in rough weather. I saw some parents helping to brush off staff cars at the end of the day. Please know that was seen and appreciated. Calling snow days is a tough job and one I don't envy the superintendent in making. Regardless of the decision, you are prone to be second-guessed and to second-guess yourself. Please remember though, the staff here don't have any say in these decisions. It's not Tracy's fault. They all have to drive those same roads home at the end of the day too. I'm just glad we got everyone home safely.  Looks like more weather is on the horizon so keep your phones on in the mornings.  Speaking of weather, 2nd grade found some inspiration in it this week and Mrs. Hacket agreed to share: "Inspired by the snow and cold weather, second graders experimented with making snowflakes following a read-aloud and Scholastic News mag...
Tuesday was National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and I want to recognize the support that the entire Princeton Police Department gives. Chief Patrucarca has always made himself accessible and we meet regularly to discuss school safety concerns. Sargent Thebeau is equally accessible and has been great to work with. We are also fortunate to have our SRO Officer Doyle and sidekick Officer Cruiser. Word is Officer Cruiser will officially be sworn in on January 18th at 10:00 in the Annex. Community members are welcome to attend.  Last night, I had the privilege of attending our Concert at WRHS! We talk about being a STEAM school and I think it is important to remember that A stands for Arts. The auditorium was packed to listen to our students perform. The Orchestra, led by Mrs. Haynes, played beautifully. The Chorus, led by Mrs. LeMay, filled the auditorium with joyous sound. And the band, conducted by Mrs. Brais, made boisterous music. The culminating act had the band playing Auld...

New Year!

A new year and the first real snowfall is in the forecast! Apparently, we can expect anywhere between an inch and a foot so who knows what will greet us on Monday. Please remember that we try to get the kids outside every chance we get. Once snow is on the ground, the DPW does a great job of plowing the playground. However, if kids want to play in the snow, we do require snow pants, boots, gloves, etc.. Without these things, students will be limited to the plowed hardtop so they don't spend their afternoons wet and cold.  I am sad to share with you that Lady, the therapy dog that visits on Thursdays and Fridays, passed away over the break. She passed quickly of natural causes, but it was unexpected. Lady lived a long life and brought tremendous joy to students and staff alike. I am sure you will all join me in offering Beth Foley, our school psychologist, and Lady's handler, condolences for her loss. We all miss Lady tremendously already. Many of the middle schoolers have alrea...