Think Spring?

The weather has been crazy and winter is definitely here but believe it or not, this is also the time we start to think about Spring. To this end, I have a few notes: For 5th through 8th graders: Coach Pistrang is already starting the recruiting process for Spring Track and Field. For those who don't know him, he's been coaching TPS cross country and track and field for over 20 years and his teams are responsible for several banners hanging in our gymnasium. Track and Field is a great way for kids to get involved and be active. There isn't a ton of pressure to perform and Coach does a great job of encouraging kids to progress and improve against their own standards. But don't read it from me, read his own words here . In keeping with the theme, we have a wonderful partnership with the Town Open Space Committee and they're already thinking about Spring access to our trail system. Here is Mrs. Santello (Kindergarten teacher and building lead) to share more: Dear TPS...