Happy New Year!

Teacher assignments and Specials: Today, the district opened up PowerSchool so you should be able to see your child's classroom/schedule. I know this is an exciting time for kids! It is for us too! I'm asking that you don't look too deeply into the specials classes as these typically take us a few weeks to iron out. Don't worry, your student will be in specials but how they are input into PowerSchool over the summer and how they look in the building don't always align perfectly. Thank yous: While I am giving thanks, I would like to recognize the work of the staff this summer. So many teachers, and some parents too, came in this summer to serve on hiring committees. Many staff worked on curriculum, attended PD, and even came in to meet with me to help get a feel for the school. Thanks to all of them. Also, Matt Westerlind and the custodial crew Jeff Padilla, and James Hall, worked hard throughout an extremely hot/humid summer to get the building ready for kids to...